I want to be able to level 100 to smithing,alchemy,and enchanment pretty fast and i tried out the fortify potion thing and it doesnt work anymore. How do i go about doing it now? Do i rlly have to do alchemy the slow way??
I want to be able to level 100 to smithing,alchemy,and enchanment pretty fast and i tried out the fortify potion thing and it doesnt work anymore. How do i go about doing it now? Do i rlly have to do alchemy the slow way??
so it's been patched? I tried not so long ago with abacean longfins and salt piles and it worked.
What's wrong with doing it the normal way? It's more enjoyable and rewarding to work through the game to achieve a goal, rather than just using exploits to force something to happen early or faster?
For you perhaps, but when you have played for over a 1000 hours like I have, constantly leveling up new characters is ever so boring. Thank g...bananas for console commands.
maybe i didn't enchant my items? or something? but when i drink the potions then equip my items their stats are just same. and the forify portion never increases. It's stuck at 86%
I agree with wanting to do exploits to shortcut things after many hours of play. Since 2009, I have 3-4k hours on Morrowind, 2k on Oblivion, and maybe just under 1k on Skyrim. I very much take shortcuts as well, and for us, who have explored and experienced the game, there's not so much a problem with doing so, because we wouldn't miss out.
A new user, on the other hand, if they want to cheat their way through, will miss out on 90% of the fun of the game. Of course, to be fair, if he's a super casual gamer and not so hardcoe as someone like I am, that may admittedly be undesired, though my advice still stands that there's a lot to miss by taking shortcuts.
Of course, I am also making the assumption that by "newbie" he means "new to the game" when he very well could mean "forum-newbie", in which case, my opinion is invalidated, because he's got experience under his belt and therefore won't miss out on the fun and reward of actually enjoying and playing the game proper.