Well there are some things missing, convicts are missing at the Jean Sky Dive shack, Melvin the guy who talks about the blue star caps is missing, Some more convicts are missing at the cave nearby the correctional facility. Then there are the areas where I have walked and got stuck, hanging in the air, unable to move anywhere. I haven't made a detailed list but there is a lot missing here, oh and when I saved Beagle and got the Sherrif from NCRF the guy at the casino didn't go back to his store, just kept repeating "...give me time to get back to my store.." I then replayed it and made Slim the sherrif, so that now I can at least sell stuff to this guy but he still doesn't go back to his store. I was climbing near the Black Mountain and got stuck in mid air. Then there was Vault 11 where I went to retrieve some glasses and dishes in the front cafeteria area and was again stuck in midair. Well this all happened when the newest patch loaded. So I am guessing nobody checked the patch out to see if there were any problems? Just leave it to us customers to find them I guess? Thing is, I will not be buying any more Bethesda games till they begin to be customer friendly and use their own paid quality control. My handicapped son applied for a job as game quality control checker but these types only will hire people who live in certain area in California. Sadly. Despite this marvelous computer age where everyone anywhere who has a computer can be online and monitored. Just goes to show you. I paid over $59.00 for this game and if one million people bought it at that price that is $59 million dollars. They should therefore be easily able to pay someone to play the game and QC check it! Dave