newest patch = vats issues

Post » Thu Sep 02, 2010 1:33 am

Since the patch I keep having gameplay issues. Sometimes my character takes a lot longer to leave vats mode than he should, at times the enemies were able to have there way with me while I got no response but slow motion death and pretty cinematics. Sometimes when he leaves vats, there is a period of "vats-like" ,slo-mo walking that usually doesn't last very long. I'm still having major problems with weapons freezing when reloading, and zooming. I've been using cowboy repeater and .357 revolver alot, I play in 3rd person, as well as 1st. I've even had the .357 appear to be disassembled when I zoomed with it. The reloading bug happened pre-patch, but I'm pretty sure the vats stuff is all post patch.

Windows Vista Home
AMD 64x2
6gb ram
32bit op system
Nvidia 9800 GTX
I have the 260.99 Nvidia patch
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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:13 pm

You reloaded that Cowboy Repeater during VATS. Yes, the reloading bug happens during VATS slow-mo action too. Just forget these weapons exist for now. For many they're broken to the point of being non-functional. Any weapon that hold more than one round of ammo and loads that ammo one round at a time is effected. The Grenade Launcher is the one, and only weapon, that doesn't suffer from this game-breaking bug.
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Catharine Krupinski
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 8:09 pm

You reloaded that Cowboy Repeater during VATS. Yes, the reloading bug happens during VATS slow-mo action too. Just forget these weapons exist for now. For many they're broken to the point of being non-functional. Any weapon that hold more than one round of ammo and loads that ammo one round at a time is effected. The Grenade Launcher is the one, and only weapon, that doesn't suffer from this game-breaking bug.

Yup. You hit the nail on the head. I can see that now. So they are aware of these issues I guess?
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 2:39 pm

Since the patch I keep having gameplay issues. Sometimes my character takes a lot longer to leave vats mode than he should, at times the enemies were able to have there way with me while I got no response but slow motion death and pretty cinematics. Sometimes when he leaves vats, there is a period of "vats-like" ,slo-mo walking that usually doesn't last very long. I'm still having major problems with weapons freezing when reloading, and zooming. I've been using cowboy repeater and .357 revolver alot, I play in 3rd person, as well as 1st. I've even had the .357 appear to be disassembled when I zoomed with it. The reloading bug happened pre-patch, but I'm pretty sure the vats stuff is all post patch.

Windows Vista Home
AMD 64x2
6gb ram
32bit op system
Nvidia 9800 GTX
I have the 260.99 Nvidia patch


I have the same issue (Nvidia 260's) since the patch.
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Kelly James
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Post » Thu Sep 02, 2010 2:04 am

Yup. You hit the nail on the head. I can see that now. So they are aware of these issues I guess?

The devs might be aware, but until they have a fix for it, you might want to go and download the b version of this fix.
It might give you animations that are a bit weird, but it fixed this bug completely for me. *the a version of the fix did nothing for me*
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Alba Casas
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 4:21 pm

You reloaded that Cowboy Repeater during VATS. Yes, the reloading bug happens during VATS slow-mo action too. Just forget these weapons exist for now. For many they're broken to the point of being non-functional. Any weapon that hold more than one round of ammo and loads that ammo one round at a time is effected. The Grenade Launcher is the one, and only weapon, that doesn't suffer from this game-breaking bug.

I've gotten the slow mo problem upon immediately entering Vats after the patch. Doesn't happen every time but it does happen so this reload bug is something more than we experienced before patching. Also, prior to patching things worked okay with the mod that fixed the single shot reload bug but now that mod doesn't seem to help.
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