This should probably be posted in
I can't help but think that with all the talk of the Commonwealth in FO3, that we might be seeing something from there...of course I wouldn't mind seeing Chicago or New York either.
Oh yeah, no snow either, I've had enough of that with OA and now Skyrim.
Thats awesome.
If its all set then I can expect fallout:UK.That would be so cool!!
Not only the UK is so different but should be very dark most times.Going down those tunnels,mutants,yeah should be welcoming change.
EDIT:And whats with America all the time?You people sound like those who were angry when CoD went from WW2 to modern warfare.There were a lot who just would not want anything except WW2.Thats boring.Plus america looks all the same to me,doesnt matter where I go to.Some places are sunny,others crowdy,its all the same.
Just because it is in Fallout history doesnt mean it always has to be.Remember this is Bethesda we are talking,they can change as much as they want to.They dont have to go back to history every time.They can even make their own history(they own the IP either way).