Ok, I wasn't talking in detail. It was a very abstract view on things, because I didn't know how detailed I can go so that I'm understood.
I guess we're meaning the same thing, but let me explain

1) A PC isn't defined by a web browser or a PC OS, but I know what you want to tell me and I can ensure you I know that, I said the 360 is similar to the PC because of...see point 2)
2) Ok, you're right on a detailed level, but I'm on an abstract programers view of things. I am at API level view, and there a PC and a XBOX360 is very similar while the PS3 is different. What makes it "easy" to port PC/360 compared to to the PS3 is the SDK offered by Microsoft. Not APIs and definitely not architecture.
3) The PS3 is more a streaming machine than the other machines. See point 5) for my explanation.
4) Well, here I don't agree with you. Every console programer started at PC. No one learned programing at the console. Every console programer at least once programed DX.
Every programer started with a lot of RAM in their PCs nowadays.
5) As you may know so called Vector Processors were used for super computers a lot and is still used for them, even if it is not that common anymore, thats why I compared those.
The PS3 CPU consists of one PPC processor and seven (actually only six, the seventh is used for redundency) so called SEP (Synergistic Processing Elements). Those things include the Vector Processors. The whole design of the PS3 with its 256 shared memory@3.4GHz and 256MB@700MHz VRAM and a Blue Ray support (high data rate compared to DVD) is designed for a lot of streaming, thats why I said streaming machine. Only few memory, but very fast processing speed and data rate, thats the definition of a streaming machine I would say (there is no official definition). Of course 256MB is very much and therefor I bent this definition, but as I said, I didn't want to go into too much detail. I just want to give a very astract point of view.
So, I guess the misunderstanding occured because I was talking about a very abstract view on this machines while you went into details.
But its good that you pointed that out, its always good to see both the detailed and abstract view.
ad 4) Its more difficult to program on few RAM and a lot of speed than vice versa, I took this from my own experience, maybe I'm wrong though.
1. Not all PCs share the same APIs, so therefore judging a PC by the APIs available is silly at best. What defines a PC is how true it lives up to the name: the ability to be a
Personal Computer in terms of actual personalization and general-use. The PS3 can (could) do a much better job at that then the 360 can. Examples of that are how anything you can do on a standard PC you can (could) do on a PS3, Whereas the 360 was extremely limited in what it could do.
2. APIs have nothing to do with architecture. Also the 360's API beyond DX 9+ is vastly different then the PCs API. The fact that they have two completely different architectures and that the 360 lacks many of Window's libraries makes that the case.
3. Skipped to match your setup
4. The ignorance here is especially high. Not every programmer uses DX, not even every game programmer uses DX. Newsflash: DX is only available on Windows and there are two other major OSes that don't support DX and before DX became big many other graphic APIs existed, and then there is OpenGL. Not every console programmer started on the PC. There are countless ones that have -only- released games for consoles. You are just showing your lack of knowing the history of video games if you continue to argue that every game programmer, or even more generally, company, has done PC games -- That is just veritably false to such an extreme degree.
Also: I have no idea what you are going on about RAM for. RAM has nothing to do with programming other than you can store stuff in there. Consoles also have significantly less memory than their desktop counterparts.
5. The 360 is PPC based too. It isn't Intel. It's more or less the same as the PS3 processor, just more focused in tasks (the PS3 cell is more general-purpose than the Xenos is) and less thoughtput.
4 additional. Programming is simple, that's just needs a text editor. to run your programs, thats where things like optimization come in to get it to run on low-resources and using simple language comes in. This is why consoles work: they have pretty bad hardware, but they are extremely optimized.
As far as I can tell here, you aren't talking abstractly, you are making huge generalizations and plain false statements. I blame the ubiquity of Windows and the lack of a video game history class for it as well as significant misunderstandings of what make a PC a PC