This topic was just floating around in my head and I decided to inquire about it. Based on past events, modern technology, and personal thoughts on the matter, I want to obtain as much speculated knowledge about the next-generation consoles as I possibly can from the forum-dwellers of the Bethesda Softworks forums. I've divided my questions into several categories:
In terms of hardware/ hardware (RAM, hard drive space, graphics cards, etc.)/software capabilities, what do you think we could expect? Graphically, what types of new features and general image quality could we expect? What about supported resolutions and framerates. Another issue I'm curious to know is if, as with the PS3, any of the newer consoles may be "difficult" to program for. Is Sony aware of these difficulties with the PS3 and would you expect them to make their next console a bit more dev-friendly?
Well I don't really know what to expect for processor speeds, maybe 2.0 ghz dual or quad core. All I think is what is todays standard for video graphics? 256 or 512mb? Maybe we will even get 1 gig or video ram other than tha, I have no idea what to expect. PS3 is a joke. I don't see no difference between PS3 only games to 360 only games, graphics are about the same so why is it so much harder to code in for the PS3? Hopefully as someone said already, Sony get's thier crap together and make it easier and not harder for people to make games for them.
I'm not sure if this is entirely true, but I've read that the 360 has an average failure rate of somewhere between 50 and 60%. That's one of the reasons I've avoided buying a 360, as the console I buy is my lead platform and I like them to be relable. Ironically, my PS3 suffered a yellow light of death-related issue. I'm not sure what the failure rate of PS3s are, but as far as I'm aware, it's lower than the 360's, yet my PS3 broke. This is a huge issue for me. I can't buy a platform that I should EXPECT to break. In addition, i've heard the 360 doesn't have checks in place (Rubber stoppers?) to prevent a bit of movement of the console from scratching a disk. As a result, I'm just paranoid about moving any platform, at all, while it's running. What could we expect in terms of the quality and reliability of next-generation platforms? This is my number one priority and concern. In addition, how expensive could we expect them to be at release? What about various points after release?
Again, here PS3 is a joke. At least if your 360 dies, Microsoft replaces it very easily. From what I hear, anyone who got the Yellow ring of death either had to jump through hoops with Sony to get it fix at thier own expense or were SOL. At least with Microsoft no matter how bad a rep they got, they fixed it or replaced it at thier own cost. So who is the better company? Microsoft with the higher failure rate but will fix and reapair at thier own cost or Sony where you have to jump through hoops? Keep that in mind next time my friend.
Timing/Amount of Consoles
When do you think we may start to see mention and finally witness the release of the next-generation consoles? In addition, do you think any companies other than Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony will join the competition? Which may be likely be the first to be released? Second? Third? Other?
I don't think nobody will join the consoles war, but then again, I never thought Microsoft would either since it seemed an impossibility that they can even make a "dent" with Sony and Ninetendo. But success they did. So if anyone did, it will come out of the blue and anything can happen if the hardware and marketing is good. Microsoft didn't spend millions of dollars in marketing for no reason. It worked. But I don't think it will because nobody wants to take a gamble like Microsoft and spend 100s of millions of dollars just on advertising alone to just take a chance.
The first to release will be Nintendo again. Why, because almost everyone has a Wii now and they just can't sell anymore. It's not that it's bad, it's just who wants one, already has it. Once the games stop selling, then Nintendo will make a new version. Now the question that needs to be asked is, Will Nintendo go the same route and just make the game CD based or will it incoperate music and DVD capabilites as well so we can watch DVDs and listen to music as well. Will the go even further like Microsoft and Sony and try to make it an All-In-One Entertainment system? I don't think so but who knows.
Once Microsoft sees Nintendo getting more of the gaming sales because it's newer, then Microsoft will release a new Xbox and then Sony will cry and moan again, and do the same a year or two afterwords.
I understand many of the answers may be complete guesses, but I'm just curious to know what you all think. It seems as though we're getting a bit late in the current console generation and I would expect to see the next-generation announced sometime in the near future. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Please discuss while I go eat some pizza.

Who says we are getting late? Don't forget the International Space Station is still using 386 computers for it's day to day functions, so there is lots of life to the 360 and PS3. I guess Skyrim will tell us if the current consoles need to be updated or not. The only console that needs to be updated is the Wii. Why, because to me, it feels like it's aimed for kids, and I wouldn't consider it a True entertainment system. I like the idea of the 360 and PS3 because my son needs only ONE console in his room, not a Wii and a DVD player etc.While it may not be the all in one for the living room in my house, (wait, I think it is) but it's great for the kids to have in thier room.
P.S. If there's anything I may have missed that you would like to comment on pertaining to the next-generation consoles, please do so.
I think you mentioned price later. I believe as usual it will sell for around $500 when it first comes out, then 2 years later will be in the range of $299 as it is now.
I just really hope all the gimmicky games will stop, like motion controllers and stuff like that. While I don't have the Kintect or The Move yet, I find the Wii a joke. We bought our son Star Wars Clone Wars for Christmas and he finished it in less than 8 hours. WTF? The look on his face when there was nothing else to do, I was sad for him. I did say, well you got to move around like a Jedi, but he said something like "yeah but what do I do now? I guess it's time for Fallout 3 and Oblivion" or something like that.
I do wish and hope that if microsoft wants to be serious about gaming then have mouse and keyboard input as well. I think this is more important than trying to make money of controllers. I like to use a keyboard for chatting or surfing the net. This is what I like about the PS3, I can surf the new, while the 360 you can't do it. Also if Microsoft decides to say we can surf the net, better not make it Live Gold exclusive otheriwise, who will use it then? Might as well stick to the PC then.