Hi most of my recent mods are "Spin offs" from my Issgard mod , that I tought could work well as endependant mods as well like:
Beast Skeletons
Conan Hyborian age ( for the fulgurite and new materials )
Sovngarde gold
No snow under the roof
I have another couple of Spin offs befoure I release Issgard, and I just wanted to know the opinions or ideas about it .
One is a
Corrupted / Decay / corrosion / rust etc mod ( need a better name )
basically it will replace all abandoned stuff with decayed versions of them , like rusted swords , oxided silver weapons , old glass armors etc ... and probably extend also to the food , like rotten or dry food or even frozen ones .
Obviously will touch only the abandoned and long forgotten stuff...
so in a Dungeon you are more likely to find an old rusted sword rather than a shining one . This will just require an upgrade to a temper or a forge to bring it back to a good status .
The other mod I had in mind is
a compendium of all Dragons , with the new Dragon species of Issgard and Atmora , repowered and rebalanced Dragons , with different loots and skeletons for each type .
If people are Interested I might release as side spin offs as well ,if not well they will be just be part of Issgard as the rest .
In case interested people could start commenting on those and add ideas .