I wanted a character that looks like me, at least facially, however, I could not prod the (many) controls to get there. Could the Kinect camera be used to do this, at least close..?
Also, my wife and I both noted that while other game NPC's will voice their questions or responses (with great voice acting from Max Von Sydow, Linda Carter, etc...), my character only respopnds via text. Could the microphone on the Kinect be used to get some sound samples from the player and thus get our in-game character to actually speak the canned responses. Or, as my wife suggests, use Dragon dictate (the software, not an actual Dov...) to take my verbal responses to the on-screen prompts during dialog interaction instead of using the controller to select my responses.
Thanks again for a great game.
Jon & Cindy (aka Bob & Allura)