» Tue Jul 16, 2013 6:43 am
The immediate problems are probably a combination of lots of people picking up Skyrim on the Steam sale last week and now looking for mods, and also AJV's big new Falskaar mod getting some good media coverage this weekend and so driving a surge of traffic to the Nexus.
The Skyrim Nexus has always had periodic problems with performance, as the sales of Skyrim plus the popularization of modding in the gaming media has led to a lot more traffic than they probably anticipated. They had some plans to use server clustering to ameliorate the problem, but haven't been able to get that working yet.
Even when the Nexus is having trouble, http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/117-feedback-suggestions-and-questions/, and yes, that's usually the best place to see what's going on if you're having troubles. The moderators here on the Official Bethesda Forum generally like to not have this forum be used to discuss the particulars of other third-party websites.