You say in the readme, Endurance & Willpower can affect Health calculation
Whoops! That's based on old defaults and should be ignored.

I updated the readme for 2.0 but didn't re-write it from scratch, and obviously missed that bit. Thanks for catching it.
Health, Magicka pool and Magicka regeneration rate are based on
lots of things. Those are probably the most complex calculations in nGCD. Also the most configurable, so I'll stick to a defaults-only explanation here; if you're interested, you should be able to figure the rest out from browsing nGCDMatrix.ini.
There are two main components to each of these secondary attributes: the skill component, and the attribute component. The attribute component is easy: it's your main attributes (Strength through Luck). Not all of them by default, of course; but the relevant values are taken directly off your character sheet.
The skill component is the bit you see defined at the top of each section in the matrix -- for Health, it's 0.62 from each point in combat skills, 0.24 from stealth skills, and 0.14 from magic skills. (Incidentally: the ratios of these numbers are derived from the Note that the three values total up to 1. This means that, assuming 100-cap, the maximum possible total is 700. Before anything else is done, the total "skill influence pool" is divided by 700, making it a decimal value representing where you are relative to the cap. This is the actual skill component as used in nGCD's formulas.
Health is the most heavily skill-based of the secondary attributes, and the only one that uses the skill component all by itself (using the SkillFlatMult setting). At cap, you'll have 267 Health from skills alone -- which is important if your Endurance is drained to zero. (This replaces the old Willpower component you saw mentioned in the readme.) You'll also have 4.33 * Endurance * SkillComponent -- again at cap, this is 433 more for a total of 700. But of course, while discussions of cap values make the math easier, any real character will have much lower totals and they won't be an even spread of Combat, Magic and Stealth. The reason you're seeing 109 Health is that you're a Combat-heavy character -- you've just got a big skill component! Notably, you'll also get a much larger Health gain from Fortify Endurance effects than an equally-skilled mage. (If you use a mod that causes Endurance to affect your fatigue regeneration, this can be a very nice benefit.)
Magicka pool and regeneration (per second) are calculated in essentially the same way, except you also get some benefit from raw attributes regardless of skill. nGCD also uses Personality as a component in both, granting less Magicka than Intelligence and less regeneration than Willpower. The size of your Magicka pool is only weakly influenced by skills; regeneration rate moreso, but still much less than Health. (Fatigue, of course, is the one with no skill influence at all -- and nGCD doesn't touch it.) There's also some variation in
which skills affect pool vs. regen -- magic skills are obviously #1 in both cases (0.62), but you get no pool at all from combat skills, and a fair amount (0.38) from stealth. The skill influence for regeneration is divided in the same sections as Health, but rearranged: 0.62 Magic, 0.24 Combat, 0.14 Stealth.
Clearer, or have I just stirred up the mud?