If I understand "got eaten" right, I recommend you https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/6984/ (in case you use this browser).
No -- I use Chrome, that feature's built in. This was entirely self-inflicted. I multi-quoted, then accidentally hit Start New Topic instead of Add Reply. Since the quotes were there, I didn't realize my mistake until I finished typing and tried to post and it popped up an error telling me I hadn't filled in the topic line. I tried to copy/paste and apparently flubbed the copy. Having hit the back button and then clicked Add Reply in the same tab, there was no way to navigate back to the page where my text was. My fault, but still pretty frustrating!
With nGCD at PC level 50, you don't have major skills at 100, nor (more important!) attributes.
Tangent: I heartily disagree that attributes are more important. Take one character with all skills at 100 and all attributes at 30, and match them in nearly anything against a character with skills at 30 and attributes at 100... I think skills win. nGCD actually reinforces this with the skill component for health and magicka.
Game is more difficult if you can reach level 100 with maxed out skills, than with level 50 if vanilla growing monsters are used. But not with FCOM. Fixed monster levels there, only some scaled to PC level.
Very true, but your level wouldn't matter to those creatures in vanilla either.

So will mods that use player.setAV (like http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15025) have an adverse effect on leveling with this mod?
Yes, and that's why LevelCanDecrease should be enabled. The problem isn't usually as bad as it sounds, though. AFAIK, the only time your level is actually checked is when a leveled list is being resolved. There are some exceptions, but 99% of the time this only happens at cell reset. This means that unless you're sneaking across miles of unexplored countryside, or sneaking
as you go through a loading door which you haven't been through before (or within three days, or whatever your respawn timer is), your sneak will be at its unmodified value and your level likewise at the moment when the game actually looks at it. The rest of the time it's really just cosmetic. Granted, the current situation where levels can go negative and wrap into the thousands might exacerbate the rare situation where it's modified at the moment it's checked, and that will be fixed in the next version.
To be honest, if I were to be concerned about anything when using that mod with nGCD, it would be the hit to Agility when sneaking. But I haven't seen anyone complaining that I've made their ranged sneak attacks too weak.

Does nGCD add messages beyond level 21?
No. I continue to disappoint Brumbek with this fact.