If Detroit pulls off this comeback I don't see Vancouver, Boston, or Tampa standing in their way, in all honesty. I'm buying a new and very rare Red Wings Z-hat as far as malls are concerned that I hope is not sold out this weekend when I get the money available for it. I also don't want to see my team eliminated before I can sport it, although in typical superstitious-like NHL fan method, I've been wearing my Lidstrom Winter Classic jersey since their first and second wins were with me wearing it.

San Jose winning the series I think puts them as the cup favourite, even though they've really never won anything to get that kind of standing. I can see Vancouver having a very difficult time winning games against either San Jose or Detroit. Nonetheless, if San Jose advances (obviously being a Detroit fan I want them to win everything, but in the statistically likely case the Red Wings lose...) I'm pulling for the 'nucks to win the series, not caring what happens in the East and who wins the cup.