ONE objective based game mode seen in countless FPS's, similar to early Quake mods?
Is it the story? A predictably unoriginal idea borrowing from sources such as Arthur C Clarke all the way to Waterworld?
Is it the S.M.A.R.T. system you're referring to? This slightly different, badly executed concept?
The multiplayer focus? One where no lobbies exist and finding a game from the grand total of ONE game mode is labourious at best?
- Agreed Brink isn't the first objective based game but when you take into a account the genre is flooded with TDM and people only focusing on there K/D it is refreshing and something especially rare for consoles.
- I also agree with you the story is somewhat lackluster and they could have put more time into the narrative and cutscenes explaining more instead of leaving audio logs to fill in gaps.
- I disagree here granted the SMART system has it's issues it truly is remarkable and refreshing to be able to climb,hop and slide through environments to get to places easier or to get away faster. One the main issues with the SMART system really has nothing to do with it more so the maps.
They created this amazing system getting rid of something which has plagued FPS's since the beginning yet they did not create maps giving players enough options/freedom to take full advantage of the SMART system. Most maps have 1-3 routes to get somewhere and most of those are going to take you in a narrow or predictable corridor leaving you ripe to be picked off by the defending team. They need to open the maps up a bit more allowing players and matches to truly be unpredictable as you would never know what a player/team may do.
- I definitely agree with you on the multiplayer side. Since I have had the game (release day) I have yet to get into a decent match, Every time I try and play multiplayer I end up in a match with completely unbalanced teams or it creates a new room for me and no one ever joins. So as of right now the multiplayer is really lackluster and needs some work. They need to have matches not start until teams are equally balanced with real players.
I, like many others am truly sick and tired of paying out hard-earned money for a weak beta with assurances of "upcoming DLC". Nothing original here, no impetus to continue playing after the campaign and first few MP games have been had. Just the familiar feeling of being shafted.
I completely agree with you here as well. There has been a trend started by developers which has truly scared me. They have been continuously pushing out games when clearly they are not ready with the mindset "lets just make release date we can always patch it later". This is truly disturbing and should not be acceptable. Granted they cannot fix everything before a game is released but players and consumers can tell when a game was actually released ready with a few bugs and when it was rushed out. Examples of this recently are:( MAG, DC Universe Online, Killzone 3, Brink ect.)
Do not push your game out and put a 60$ price tag on it when it is not polished and finished. Do not release a game with a mindset we can always patch it and release DLC later. Have pride in your game and with that pride sometimes you need to pushback the release date but so what. In the end consumers will respect you more for pushing the release back in order to give them a more polished and bug free product.