» Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:25 am
Now that's it has been a week or so since release, I can finally calm down and judge this game.
Brink looked like it was going to be amazing. Everything about it looked amazing. You ignored the reviews and buy it and still love it because it's different and fun. You ignore the fact you can't get online with your buddies easily. You ignore the lag. You just want to like this game. I found everything positive about this game that I could and ignored everything else. Brink is different, you can sense the fun, you want to love this game.
But, it's a not finished/up to par...
Ignore the lack of depth in choosing maps (it's really not bad at all), at it's core Brink was about teamwork, objective gameplay, S.M.A.R.T. and customization.
Teamwork: Playing with friends (more than you and a buddy) is difficult at best to do online. To hop into a game, mid game, and hope there is 2 other open slots on your team, send invites, and then hope your buddies connect (after they launch the invite to an invite launch menu???) in time to join up. Playing alone is no better. I've played with maybe 10 people with mics. Trying to coordinate with those people is near impossible. Two people don't win in Brink. Basically you are left trying to play an objective gametype by yourself. You are slaying byself, capturing objectives by yourself, the people on your team might as well be bots (or they are bots). So the teamwork is a lot less than you would expect. In fact, you can play it like CoD and be ok. You might not win (like in CoD), but you can be the best, be a medic, and get a ton of experience. Most of the objectives are heavily slanted towards one side. It's not about who is better, one team just has to be mildly decent to never lose in certain maps. The best strategy is just to out slay people. You could ignore all other side objectives (like Command Posts in Competitive modes (which does nothing in that game mode)) and just all group together and plow your way through the main objectives. I want it to be more than that, I really enjoy the game, but it's hard to ignore what's really going on when playing/watching people play.
Objective Gameplay: Again, most are one sided. It makes for fun when you manage to play bad people and win what should be an impossible objective, but outside that they are imbalanced. The side objectives (MG Nests, Command Posts, build walls, open shortcuts) might as well not be there most of the time. I don't see anyone using an MG Nest (they just aren't that good), Command Posts are basically turned off in Competitive mode (no buffs/allows you to switch classes), shortcuts are fine, but play a much smaller role in flanking than you would expect them to. It's basically just battling for the main objective. I'm ok with that. I think the main objectives are great, you just don't usually have a team to back you up and it makes them very very difficult to win. So ok, that's the point. You need a team to win. Even if you have a team, even if both sides are full on teams, actively speaking with each other, the objectives are favored to one side almost always. It's never a neutral object where you battle for supremacy, it's I'm going to be really really really hard to beat, hope you get lucky trying to break me from my camp site objectives. Still, they aren't even that terrible. I can live with it.
S.M.A.R.T. : It works enough. It can be frustrating, by it's actually as good as I was expecting it to be.
Customization: You are done unlocking the majority of everything in a very short amount of time (clothing excluded, which plays zero effect into gameplay). The guns, well there's a few good ones. Everyone uses those guns. They are the best. There really is no other need to use any other gun period. Using other guns puts you at an extreme disadvantage. The attachments play out almost zero impact on how you play the game, or the weapon itself. The clothing is cool, but you hit 20 and you are done (which is a quick level cap). Build a 2nd character? Sure, but because you can pick abilities for every class, they aren't balanced. You can max out one class you would like, but there really is no need. You can get all the best abilities for all the classes on one character. If you want a second character, you can build one, but it is so much faster and better to just respec your one character than to go through and build another. It's not like you can switch mid game.
Factor in things like lag, which makes this game unplayable at times and it's a hard experience to continue to love or play. The lag is as bad as the Gears 2 release. It's as difficult to find games, games are as laggy. The best bet we have (once my party fully gets into a game, which can take quite some time) is to hope the host is on our team and majority boot him from the game giving my party host. That's bad. I want to play games with my friends. It's a hassle to even begin to try to do so in this game. I really like the game/gameplay, there's a ton of potential, I'm holding onto it in hopes of improvements through patches/DLC/miracles, but right now it's just not there yet.
Hate/Love the game, we all own it and are hoping it gets better. I don't want to say bad things about the game, I want it to be good, but I just have no desire to put the game in my tray anymore until basic things are sorted out, starting with lag, then lobbies, then you can worry about expanding content, balancing, etc. I would be happy with just no lag and lobbies.