This is just great, not only are things still not fixed and the demo so far svcks, you guys listened to the cod heads and made the game worse. Now it only takes 1-2 punches anywhere on someones body to kill them. The guns have been made more powerful as well, health is decreased and the air stomp is still completely useless. From what I heard black ops got some pretty bad reviews and I never liked cod to begin with. I came to this game in hopes it would be something different. All it is, is the cyborg version of cod with some minor imporvements. You guys could have put some more work into the game but it seems like, well at least from the forum data, videos and so fourth i'm gathering that you guys half-assed it. I'm just disappointed to see what I thought was going to be my new favorite fps become one of my least. Also i'm sure you know and if you don't, this goes for anyone reading this too, apparently cod black ops was hacked soo much that the servers were shut down for a little while. More or less you guys just invited them to tea.
For those PC gamers out there that are always insulting the console players and vice-versa those people you hate are the cod heads most likely. Im not talking about someone who plays the game for playing the game or just plays it for enjoyment. Im talking about the jerks that play the game to show that they are better than you and do things like sacktap, curse you off when they kill you, curse you off when you kill them and the ones that win the round and start rapping about it.
I'd have to say the best things you guys could do would be to release the game as since it's so far down the production line and start making some patches to be released over the internet, xbox live and PSN and tell the fans about this. This would most likely help the game rather than hurting it. As you can imagine this would probably also abate some of rage on the forums and stop the canceling of pre-orders.