For Many my nick name is Jake but many people think that is my real name. Many people have also called me Jake the Snake which I find oddly appropriate.
I have some very nice nicknames for ex mother in law :whistling:
wow, okay I know this is off topic but
I was listening to music and I looked over at your avatar and saw the little Santa playing his guitar in sync with my song :lawl:
anyway, no, Hagashager is my screen name on most online areas. Two of my friends I've shortened their names, one has a very complicated Armenian name so I shortened it to Andy, another friend I have is fascinated with Marxism so as a joke I sometimes call him Yakob in a really thick Russian accent instead of Jacob
I think I just had projectile vomit and diarrhea at the same time. What a strange phenomenon.
Yes, you made it abundantly clear in your first post that you don't like those names. Coincidentally, some people do so how about you leave them to it?
Yes, you made it abundantly clear in your first post that you don't like those names. Coincidentally, some people do so how about you leave them to it?
Most people call me by my last name only (it's some obscure German last name that isn't all too common) or they call me Case, Mr. E, and finally Austin Bostonian ( not even from the east coast >.>).
Star, SW, Shad, Wulf, Sun, Night, DW, Toss, Kit, Shadow, Super Lobo. Course, those are all nicks friends call me. wife calls me crazy, insane, wierdo, and sweetheart.
Yes, you made it abundantly clear in your first post that you don't like those names. Coincidentally, some people do so how about you leave them to it?
To be fair those nicknames are so soft they also made me want to vomit. I bet he has to buy test boosters every time his gf calls him an adorable tiger.
I call my boyfriend "Tricky" every now and then, but I usually just fall back on Patrick. He calls me Ekadeka sometimes, but he uses it as often as I use Tricky - rarely.
Then there are all the inappropriate ones. Let's just say one can fashion a lot of crude nicknames out of "Patrick". :laugh: