» Mon Dec 14, 2009 5:02 am
... I thought it was painstakingly clear: Neil Patrick Harris was having an AWFUL time as the host.
You couldn't see that? The WHOLE show he was struggling to get his confidence up and show enthusiasm. I have no idea if he's an avid gamer or not, but he CLEARLY did not come across as one in the VGA Awards. Further, his acting was terrible and his ability to read lines and follow his script were severely impaired. Harris was WAY off of his game. So don't blame him for his bad performance just because of his reaction to The Elder Scrolls V - he probably doesn't even know what the game is, and if he does, he was likely forced to follow a certain, very awful, script.
Don't you remember when Dominic was reading the introduction to that racing game later in the show and he had to read those terrible jokes, and NOBODY laughed? He actually had to say "I'm just reading off of lines here." It was THAT awkward.
When an awards show starts with a clear 2 second sound delay following Neil's slaying of the Broadway dancers with AK-47s, you KNOW it's going to be bad. Spike TV probably spent so much money bringing in big names that they likely didn't have enough to spend on decent writers and choreographers.
Edit: P.S. - Harris IS a God among men. He went from being Doogie Howser to Barney Stinson, playing roles like himself as a straight crazy dude in "Harold and Kumar" and as Dr. Horrible in a famous viral miniseries. It doesn't matter that he's gay - in fact, him being gay probably makes him even more of a God, because he can be open about something that raises the bigots against him and he can STILL be Awesome.
Do not disgrace Harris' good name. He deserves to be where he's at in the world.