What would you need to alter? If you just need to remove it entirely, that I can probably add easily, since I already grab the collision object of a nif when I load it. If you need to change some setting on it... eh, it's still probably pretty easy to do. Yeah, I suspect that can make v1.0 pretty easily.
I can easily give you that info;
here: (from the (edited version by Amorilia) of my first PyFFI spell), its in Python don't know if you know that at all but the class name1(name2) if the item isn't set in name1 it uses name2's settings for it.
class CollisionTypeStatic: layer = 1 motion_system = 7 unknown_byte1 = 1 unknown_byte2 = 1 quality_type = 1 wind = 0 solid = True mass = 0 class CollisionTypeAnimStatic(CollisionTypeStatic): layer = 2 motion_system = 6 unknown_byte1 = 2 unknown_byte2 = 2 quality_type = 2 class CollisionTypeTerrain(CollisionTypeStatic): layer = 14 motion_system = 7 class CollisionTypeClutter(CollisionTypeAnimStatic): layer = 4 motion_system = 4 quality_type = 3 mass = 10 class CollisionTypeWeapon(CollisionTypeClutter): layer = 5 mass = 25 class CollisionTypeNonCollidable(CollisionTypeStatic): layer = 15 motion_system = 7
that's for all the most common types; and all those settings are on the bhkRigidBody - and layer is also on each subshape.
A question for modellers - thanks to some testing by SkyRanger-1, it seems a child node can have more than one of a given property - multiple Material properties, multiple Texture properties, etc - does anyone know how the game handles this? I don't even really know what that means. Is there any meaningful reason for doing this? I guess my question is, should I include the ability to specify the Nth Texture property, for example? Or is it safe to assume that a child node will only have one (meaningful) texture (or whatever) property, and just always use that one. And if that's the case, how do I know which one is the one that the game is going to use?
don't know - but if it uses only 1 I would assume that it would use the first one. (otherwise it would no doubt use the last one)... I think you can just say first one.
Also, I'm going to look to do an alpha test soon. But with a lack of mods to test it on, that means that I need scripters to test it - I could write a test script (in fact, have done so), but what I really need is for people who aren't me to try scripting with it, in case they try something I didn't think of and haven't prepared it for. It should fail elegantly (as in, put an error message in NifScript.log, return 0/false for Set functions, and otherwise keep quiet about it), but there's always the possibility of that not happening. I know SkyRanger-1's interested; is anyone else?
I'd definitely b interested in that... let me know when the alpha is ready for testing.
Finally, I'll probably also need to test that I haven't broken Unnecessary Violence. If I could get a volunteer who plays the game quite a lot and runs the mod, I'd love to drop off a new version of NifScript once the alpha test starts, just to make sure I didn't break anything in it. HeX_0ff, I don't know what kind of testing you use, but if you've got some kind of automated testing thingy, that'd also be pretty sweet. Just so I can be sure that it will still work if people update NifScript and not UV (can't imagine why anyone would do that, but who knows?)
unfortunately too busy personally for that :sob:... barely getting in my modding last few weeks.
Pacific Morrowind