Know one, because I made one: LP's Shield on Back
Until now it only works with Bethesda-Meshes, but I'll try this undocumented command.
Is the syntax the same as the one in the test version you send me?
Ah, it
is the same command I sent you. I haven't touched it since. Did it work when I sent it to you?
A function request, DW, if you can - Changing the collision layer property ( not sure if I'm using the correct terminology ); as in "Setting the collision layer to OL_TRIGGER". Basically, what Phitt says in Is such a function possible to implement ?
Quite probably. But it looks somewhat like it's a no-go from that thread?
At any rate, since there are a bunch of requests in that direction, after I get v1.0 out, I'll look into collision stuffs.
New Stuff:
When are you planning to delete the created Meshes?
I'd vote for
At every GameStart/Load (in that order), because it's easy to check for as the Scripter using GetGameRestarted/Loaded.
Any other solution won't be a problem won't be a problem because we have, but I'd prefer the ones mentioned above. This way I could recreate all of them at one time.

Or maybe you implement a
AreMeshesDeleted-Function (just like
IsPluggyDataReset for Pluggy). :chaos:
Hehehe, this is the sweet bit. I delete meshes "when Oblivion is done with them". Similarly, I
create the meshes "when Oblivion needs them". Scruggs set up an awesome system for me where I can tell when either of those events has occurred, and create or delete the mesh as necessary. Therefore, the mesh will only exist for as long as Oblivion needs it.
If I understand correctly, it only needs the file when the mesh is being loaded - once it is loaded, I'll delete it. I'll write it anew if Oblivion informs me that it needs to reload it.
Performance issues may come into play here, though. If I find that I'm writing/deleting too often and it's having a negative influence on performance, I'll just write them when Oblivion asks for them, and delete them when the player quits (or reloads, since I'll have to delete them and then re-write them with the save game's version to make sure that changes that happened since the save that's being loaded don't incorrectly persist).
At any rate, you won't ever have to worry about it. The meshes will exist when you need them.