Great news indeed!As for the changes to the messaging code, who cares ?! But indulge me, how did you processor get screwed ?
PS : Stupid forum
I actually grabbed the latest source code too

So it will match.
Anyway, after swapping in the replacement drive and the dying drive, my desktop would not load the BIOS. It'd turn on, fans would spin up, lights would blink, but no beep, no BIOS. This happened to the computer several weeks ago, which I ultimately solved by reseating the processor - I forget why that was an issue or what it solved, but it had worked. Having tried everything else zone and I could think of, I went ahead and reseated the processor again.
Part of reseating a processor is re-applying the thermal paste, because once you take off the heat-sink you can't put it back on without new paste. I have some paste from the last time, so that was fine. But like an idiot, I managed to accidentally get some of the thermal paste on the bottom of the processor - on the contacts. I tried to clean that off as best I can, but now the computer shuts itself off immediately after I turn it on, unlike before where it would happily sit there, fans and such on, and not load the BIOS. I'm not sure I'll be able to clean the chip well enough to get it working again.
Three cheers for the oblivion modding community!
First off - To DragoonWraith for writing what will become the most impressive oblivion utility made to date (barring OBSE)
Secondly - To zone22, Hexoff, and every one else who helped to divert disaster this week.
And Finally - To Bethesda, without whom none of this would be possible!!!!
This was perhaps the coolest thread I have ever read. I don't think I have ever seen a more impressive show of general compassion for another modder (or person).
Hip Hip Hurray! Hip Hip Hurray!! HIP HIP HURRAY!!!!!
Agreed, seriously. This was awesome from everyone. Several of you have been added to the credits section, and the only reason I haven't added everyone is because I was heading out the door when I wrote it and didn't want to delay thanking those of you who really came through with advice, links, help, and especially HeX, shade, and zone for offering to sit on the phone and talk me through things, and to Gekko and HeX for offering to pay for stuff. That's amazing, and I really appreciate it.