I've gotten bored of making simple weapons and placing them in-game. So I want to try my luck at animation.
So I've been reading some tutorials. Some basic Nifskope tutorials, and I took a look at SaidenStorm's Animation tutorial.
So far I've struck the wall multiple times.
SaidenStorm's tutorial says this:
"We now have an almost GTG Nif all that is left is to open the file in Nifskope and delete the "0(zero)" node -> Renumber the BSX back to being number 1 -> then assign the BSX to the new Node Zero Scene Root bone -> Num Extra Data List 0 to 1 -> Update the Array and expand it then add the BSX(node 1) into the array"
Beforehand the tutorial told me to change make sure I exported my NIF as NIF with manager
That took my breath away =O
My blocks/nodes looks like this, as I open my newly exported NIF:
0 NiNode scene root
1 BSXFlags BSX
2 NiNode Sphere01
3 ... sphere01
4 ... bone01
( The Sphere01 and Bone01 was underneath the NiNode SPhere01)
I deleted the 0 node.
So it looked like
0 BSXFlags BSX
1 NiNode Sphere01
Then I right clicked my BSXFlags Block and pressed " Move Down"
So it looked like
1 BSXFlags BSX
0 NiNode SPhere01
NOW I got problems ...
It tells me to assign BSXFlags to my new 0 node, which is NiNode Sphere01. mm...
I guess that means I copied the BSXFlags BSX branch, and deleted it, then pasted it into the NiNode Sphere01.
But no, from here on I got dead confused.
I then tried to go into my NiNode Sphere01 and go to that num extra data, but the number was already 1. I pressed the "Update Array".
Nothing happens ...
So yeah, I believe I've misunderstood a lot here ...
Can anyone tell me where I messed up, and what to do?
While I allready made an topic, could anyone just ... Tell me wheter I am wrong here.
Is it possible to get Particles into the game without the CIV4 Exporter?
If no, then tell me - where in the world do you get 3DS max 8 these days?
I've tried everything -.-