6 bhkCollisionObject 5 bhkRigidBodyT 4 bhkBoxShape
I have another weapon that doesn't have this collision information. I imagine if I drop it at any point, it's going to fall through the floor. I'd quite like to copy the same node branch that handles collision from the previous weapon into this one to stop this from happening.
Right clicking "6 bhkCollisionObject", selecting "Block -> Copy Branch" and then right-clicking on the BSFadeNode and selecting "Block -> Paste Branch" introduces the node branch into the second weapon's block list. The problem is, the node branch doesn't seem to be parented properly, so the yellow collision box isn't showing and the node branch appears at the bottom of the block list, not subordinate to the BSFadeNode as with the first weapon.
Would someone be willing to tell me how I connect this up properly, please?