NifSkope problems, I think. >_<;

Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:20 pm

Hello. I'm hoping someone might help me troubleshoot. :3

I've been trying to get a simple, custom outfit to work in Fallout 3. It's a merge between the female Vault Security's Kevlar Vest and the Doctor's Fatigues. I imported the fatigues first, then the security outfit. I took the upper body from the security outfit, deleting everything else, trimmed it down to just the kevlar vest and then joined (ctrl+j) to the doctor's 'upper body'. They both still had their seperate 'materials' and linked textures, and the only other changes were minor UV/mesh adjustments to correct clipping.

I've been using these as my guide. Though, I've been trying to work my way through with an outfit, rather than clutter. I'm already familiar with blender, so it is more NifSkope that has me feeling very lost. I've taken some screen shots through the process, so that hopefully someone can point out what I am doing wrong. - My export options, except when I actually exported I had every part of the model visible and selected. - The NifSkope on the left is the vanilla version that I was hoping to copy-paste my changes on to. The one on the right is how it looked afterwards. The vanilla only had a single entry for the 'upperbody', and was NiTriShape, while the one Blender exported was split in to two, the vest and everything else, as NiTriStrips. This is probably where I am going wrong... I ended up 'stripifying' the original, replacing it with the doctor-section from my blender export, then adding a parent NiNode, then duplicating the doctor's NiTriStrip, then copy-pasting the security NiTriStrip over on to that.
Edit: Ick, sorry. The text is barely legible in the preview. - This is showing how I tested it in-game, just incase this is horribly wrong, too. I am not at all familiar with GECK, so I replaced the .nif entry in another mod with my own, and then used console commands to spawn it in-game. - This is my less than successful first attempt, with nothing but the arms showing in-game.

Sorry if I've posted a lot, I just thought to give as much information as I can, hoping it helps diagnose the problem. Thank you anyway. ^_^;
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 1:45 pm

Okay, that was all for nothing I suppose. I made a little progress. Though, now that it all finally shows in-game, there are rigging problems(?) - which I think are NifSkope related, since it's not consistent. I double-checked, transfering the same blender-exported.nif twice. The first time mostly just the vest/strap vertices were stretched to some fixed point, the second time the casualties includes one of the boots, and random patches of the bottoms. - The weird thing is that I can see the original's shirt stretched out, which shouldn't even exist anymore. :/
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