So, my character has been dutifully performing as both Listener and Nightingale.
While I love the abilities of a Nightingale mixed in with my Vampire Lord powers, mastery of Illusion, and all of my Assassin abilities and Skills, I was wondering about those duties that Nocturnal and Karliah alluded to.
The main duty of a Nightingale is to defend the Twilight Sepulcher and the Skeleton Key from would-be thieves and attackers. But in over a hundred hours od play-time as a Nightingale, I have never gotten a message requiring me to do anything for Nocturnal, nor to defend her Temple.
Has anybody had "the Shadows" contact them about this? Was it a part of the game, maybe a Radiant Quest, that got dropped?
While I'm having a great time committing my murders and robbing the Jarls' Palaces blind, I kind of want to do more for this alluded-to Duty.
Anyone have any insight/opinions?