OK, anybody who has played as a Khajiit or Argonian and has gotten the Nightingale armor set knows that it kind of messes them up. I just have a simple request/question: is it possible for Bethesda to change it for the beast races? At the very least, I would like a slit up the middle of the cape, because as of now, not only do beast race tails clip through the pants, they clip through the cape also, which is really annoying, and ruins the coolness of the armor. Or could they get rid of the Beast Race's tails when they wear the armor? I mean, you already smash my Argonian's face in and turn his vertical slit orange eyes completely blue, what's getting rid of his tail when he wears the armor? Although it would be great to have a completely different version where the Beast race faces aren't crushed, I know that's unlikely.