I have been struggling for the last month to create a new character in Skyrim. I developed a little background story. Do you think it is viable?
I have been struggling for the last month to create a new character in Skyrim. I developed a little background story. Do you think it is viable?
That is a very good background.
Though, Nightingale Armor doesn't seem like something an assassin would use.
A true assassin should be as inconspicuous as possible so they should wear normal clothes to blend in or maybe guards armor for the hold that they're in. I feel that the Dark Brotherhood gimp suit is just plain ridiculous as you might as well wear a sign that says "Hi I'm in the Brotherhood and come to kill you".
Only the Skyrim Guild maintains any relations with the Brotherhood. Morrowind's and Cyrodiil's guilds don't.
@LordoBones Thank you, I did not know that. I guess that makes the story a little more plausible.
Wow I never though of that when RPing an assassin. Now I wanna make one...lol
The Nightingale Armour is a cool look for an Assassin.
Much more appropriate than the DB "jumpsuit"