Too many of the artifact swords were katana's.
This is what saddens me, im not against eastern RPGs, I just prefer Western RPGs and Western RPGs are a dying breed.
Honestly, we should have more awesome weapons. How awesome would an artifact flail be?
Too awesome for me to imagine.
Anyway, thats a No for me, but I like variety too. They were in Morrowind, and they fit the setting decently. I want more weapons in general, but if ninja weapons are included the weapons list should expand greatly, not be half of the list.
Also ninja's are assassins.
Ninjas aren't assassins. They do surprise attacks and sneak attacks, but thats not all. They also just fight unfair (although nothing is fair in warfare) among other things.
They don't just crawl in your room and slit your throat, they also kill regular Samurai not for the purposes of assassinating people.
They are a warrior of deceit who can operate as a stealthy agent or assassin.
I wish we could get something more Samurai-like like orcish armor from Morrowind, only that it's light armor now.
Samurai's armor isn't light. It has leather, but it also has steel plates. More importantly it
moves like heavy armor, it only flexes in certian pivitol locations, because it is a type of platemail.
Light armor (and really the name is misleading) is more about armor that can flex easily and anywhere. Leather, chainmail. Chainmail is by no means light, it just flexes everywhere not at certian points.