Nipton Rebuilt - Thread page 2

Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:39 am

The year is 2283 a year after the Courier, apathetic to the concerns of the people, destroyed the securitron army and then single-handedly pushed the Legion (now under the command of Legate Lanius) and the NCR out of the Mojave. A month after the second battle for hoover dam a mysterious figure with an old world flag on his back walked into the Lucky 38, since then neither he nor the Courier has been seen or heard from.

Without the Courier to install fear into the various factions that inhabit the land the Mojave has been besieged by problems. The Powder Gangers still terrorize the I-15 at the areas around Goodsprings and it is only the firm grip of Sheriff Meyers which keeps them from overrunning Primm. The Brotherhood of Steel have taken control of HELIOS One and patrol I-15 and Highway 95 confiscating any advanced technology they find travellers with. The fiends have taken control of outer Vegas and only the brave or foolhardy dare traverse their lands. The Kings attack any NCR citizen the walks into freeside without protection.

In addition to these problems both the NCR and Legion have mobilised armies which seem to be ready to take the Mojave at any time, NCR Rangers have been spotted making outposts and the Legion has retaken their base at cottonwood cove and have launched raids against passing caravans.

To escape the multitude of problems which have burdened the other towns many seek to create a new settlement, the ruins of Nipton seem to be the ideal place for a new settlement which could perhaps become a safe haven in the Mojave...

Securitron 1C 3C R34 M
Name: James Burns

Age: 33

six: Male

Race: Human, Caucasian

Skills: Trained and experienced in the use of guns. He’s pretty good at surviving out in the wastes for long periods of time. He’s also fairly experienced using melee weapons.

Physical appearance: Tall and skinny, light brown hair and blue eyes

Personality: (I’ll fill this in later)

Weapons & armour/clothing: Trail Carbine w/scope, .44 Magnum w/heavy frame and a switchblade. US Army General Outfit and a Desperado Cowboy hat

Previous Occupations: Bounty hunter, deputy sheriff of Ashton, guard for the Followers of the Apocalypse.

Faction (NCR, Legion, BOS, None. Etc): Used to do guard duty for the Followers of the apocalypse but for now, none.

Backstory: Was born on in a town on the outskirts of the NCR where he was trained to use guns and to live off the land. At age 16 he left his home town and found work catching criminals for the NCR, he did this for many years, never once being injured by the men he captured or killed. At age 25 James tracked a criminal into the Divide where a new community was being formed, James played cat and mouse for several months in the abandoned military bases, during these months James found the general uniform he wears, he also made friends in Hopeville who helped him track down and kill the target.

After the target was dead James stayed, becoming a deputy sheriff in the town and for several years helping drive off criminals and mercenaries hired by the NCR to ‘encourage’ the residents of Hopeville to be annexed by the NCR. James also helped fend off attacks from the Legion and had chased off some of the legion members into the Mojave when the Courier brought an old world package to one of the military bases, destroying the town. James, unable to head back to the divide went to Vegas, seeking fame and fortune. While passing through freeside James was stabbed in the back by a freeside thug with a switchblade, James was able to kill the thug and go to the Mormon fort to seek medical attention. After being patched up by the followers James offered his services as a guard to the followers, keeping the switchblade that was only inches from killing him.

At the second battle of Hoover dam James helped defend Mormon fort from the violence which was taking place outside. After the battle James became stressed by constant attacks on the Mormon fort. One month after the battle of hoover dam James saw a familiar person walking through towards the strip, an old friend from Ashton, after James had talked to him he left and went into the strip. James never heard from him again. A few months later James left the service of the followers and wandered the wastes, eventually coming upon the ruins of Nipton, where he decided to stay.

Name: Jack Mulder

Age: 26

six: Male

Race: Human, Caucasian

Skills: Science, mathemathics and other calculations particularly. Chemistry as well. Not much of an combatant, at least when not in chems.

Physical appearance: Skinny, weak and of medium height. Short cropped, black hair and a light beard. Hazel eyes and lips that make him look like he's smiling all the time.

Personality: Jovial, also has an obsession of calculating everything. Addicted to chems in general, most chems can provide him his fix.

Weapons & Clothing: A rusty, old Varmint Rifle and a kitchen knife and a NCRCF guard uniform with the NCRCF tags scratched off.

Previous occupation: Jack was among those PGs who attacked Primm, but was lucky enough to evade the Courier onslaught.

Faction: ex-Powder Ganger, isn't a part of them anymore but has good relations with them.

Back story: Jack was a model citizen of the NCR once, a teacher of sorts, wandering from town to town. But when he taught some villagers from a small village with no name in the art of chemistry, he himself was taught by the villagers to make chems for non medical purposes, the villages own variant of Hydra. Jack was first very wary, but when he tried this Hydra variant, he became addicted and that led to a petty crime spree of thefts and assaults. But then it escaleted to murder of an scavenger, who had the ingredients that Jack needed to make his own Hydra variant, and Jack was caught and shipped to the NCRCF, where he took part in the prison riot.

While incarcerated, he learned to brew various chems, including the Mojave hydra. He also took part in the assault of Primm, and when the Courier came to drive away the PGs, Jack was inside a toilet stall brewing his chems, thus avoiding death. After finding his former comrades dead, he ventured to Nipton where some PGs had gone after Primm assault, where he found only more death, but it inspired him to stay in Nipton, to rebuild it to its former glory. And to have a home again....

Name: Ollie James

Age: 26

six: Male

Race: Caucasian

Skills: Agility, Survival skills, Stealth, Hand to hand fighting, Archery, Repair and Jury Rigging

Physical appearance: 6ft with athletic build, fair skin, short brown hair and green eyes

Personality: A cocky sarcastic character but has an uncompromising sense of the line between right and wrong.

Weapons & armor/clothing: A dark green colored leather suit with a hood to keep the sun out of his eyes. Ollie carries a 9mm pistol which he mostly uses as a back-up weapon. He uses a bow and self-made arrows as his primary.

(Previous) Occupation(s): Back when he lived in a vault he would help with security but since his time out in the wasteland he has been mostly a wanderer who settles in towns for a short time to help the local law.

Faction (NCR, Legion, BOS, None. Etc.): None

Backstory: Originally born in a vault where he spent most of his days with his parents. Ollie worked as a private investigator for the vault security until one day a band of raiders broke into the vault and massacred most of the vault including the parents of Ollie. After the event, having nothing left for him in the vault he left to wander the wasteland to find his place in this new world. Ollie spent time in numerous settlements always helping to protect the citizens against the local thugs, legion forces and occasional NCR soldiers. He now finds himself in Nipton where he has devoted his time to helping rebuild the devastated settlement.

Name: Karl Kliesmann




Skills: Guns of any type, unarmed combat and fixing things.

Physical appearance: Around six and a half feet tall. Looks like a old soldier, muscled, scarred, tanned and smelling of whiskey. Has short, curly, blond hair

Personality: Quiet, sad and angry, made worse by alcohol and traumatic experiences. He frequently "talks" with a dead comrade or massacre victim when asleep or passed out due to an old head wound.

Weapons & armour/clothing: Riot shotgun, 44 magnum revolvers and combat knife. Dressed in old Van Graff combat armor and cowboy hat. Has spare clothes in his bag.

(Previous) Occupation(s): Farmer, Mercenary and Prospector.

Faction (NCR, Legion, BOS, None. Etc): Ex-NCR Mercenary but has no connections with them.

Backstory: Karl Kliesmann was born to poor farmers who refused to join the NCR collective farms. He worked on his parent's farm until it was destroyed in a legion raid when he was fifteen. With nobody to rely on he went to Westside and made a living fighting in the Thorn. He won his armor in a bet there. Shortly after he left Westside and fought against the Legion near Nelson and Camp Forlorn Hope. He also participated in the Bitter Springs Massacre in 2278.

Magus the Red
Name:Alexander Winter



Race:Caucasian, Human

Skills: Guns, Speech, Unarmed.

Physical appearance: Black and grey hair, blue eyes, 6'2ft, lean, slightly crooked nose

Personality: has a warm personality and is welcoming to others, however is cold and calculating if in a fight.

Weapons & armour/clothing: Veteran Ranger Armour, Pre-war suits, Ranger Sequoia, Anti-Material Rifle Doesnt use it much,Hunting rifle-scoped,custom bolt and extended magazine.

(Previous) Occupation(s): Veteran Ranger, 1st Recon- he will be like Boone for the town guarding it from raiders and others.

Faction (NCR, Legion, BOS, None. Etc): NCR has friends in the military.

Backstory: Alexander was born in the boneyard and had to fight to survive he joined the NCR military as soon as he was old enough and impressed the trainers with his skill with marksman weapons and was recruited into 1st recon where he served admirably before holding a small raider army of with a Hunting rifle which he still has, he then served with the Rangers gaining the "Black Armour" and sreving for twenty years before retiring after the 2nd battle of hoover dam as a captain at the age of 51, then he heard about nipton and has come to start out a new life.

Name: Regina (Reggie) Torrez

Age: 27

Race: Hispanic/Native American

six: female

Skills: Reggie always has an ace in the hole ready to play, making her a good cheat at small time poker games. She is handy with tools, but not great, but a Jerry-rigger rather. She is a proficient hunter and trapper and learned from her father how to handle a gun.

Physical appearance: 5'8" 130 pounds, Usually she wears her hair in a pony tail, or braided pig tails. Her eyes are golden brown, her skin is olive colored and tans easily. Reggie slender and fit with adequate curves. She has a scar that runs from the bridge of her nose to the center of her right cheek. It's an old wound, and is not much more than a slightly lighter colored line these days.

Personality: Reggie is confident, and blunt. She is not afraid to speak her mind, and is not afraid of confrontation. To those not close to her, she comes off as brash, rude and arrogant. But Reggie shows a mutual respect followed by general concern for those she befriends.

Reggie believes strongly in old world ways, specifically the late 1800's. She believes if there is a problem, you settle it, no need to wait for the local law dogs to arrive. She would take to an good old fashioned duel in the streets. Where, whether you are right or wrong, if you are the one left standing it doesn't matter anyway. Her feelings about the Great War leave nothing in question. To Reggie, the countries who engaged in the nuclear exchange are cowards. Instead of facing their differences head on, they chose to sit behind their terminals thousands of miles away and utilize satellite technology to do their dirty work. If the issue is brought up, she will carry on about the cowardice of the war. She lives one day at a time, when her time is up, someone, or something will put her down.

Weapons & armour/clothing: Prewar, blued, Remington Wingmaster 870 12 gage pump shotgun with orange fiber-optic sights. Carved into the stock is, El diablo, la hija de (The devil's daughter) Twin .357 Magnums with longer barrels and polished Jade inserts on the handles. 10 inch Bowie knife, also with polished Jade inserts in the handle, as well as a spiked knuckle guard (spike knuckles attached)

Faded, worn blue jeans with brahmin hide patches on the knees and backside. A leather strap with accompanying holster reside on her right leg. Dirty white tank-top underneath a red checkered button down shirt. Well worn dirty brown duster, the bottom is tattered and torn as it was once too long for Reggie, but she wore it regardless. Over the time that she has owned it, is has been worn down to her size. It has been reinforced with brahmin hide on the elbows and right (firing) shoulder. Old cowboy boots which she had metal covers attached over the toes, as well as around the heels. Dingy roaming trader hat, sides tied up with boot strings to make like a cowboy hat. It is bent down steeply in the front and rear, covering most of her eyes. Tortoise shell sunglasses.

(Previous) Occupation(s): Vigilante

Faction: None

Backstory: Reggie, is the daughter of the once infamous Daniel, The Devil Dog, Jones. A name which he was called due to his reddish skin tone and pencil thin black moustache and pointed goatee, much like that of the old world depictions of the devil. Her mother, Michelle Torrez, was the long time lover of The Devil Dog. Born in a small settlement in Northern Arizona known as Tular, Reggie's mother ran a small time supplies shop, making her living selling to the passersby while Daniel would roam the surrounding area conducting his vigilante justice.

Reggie was a disappointment to Daniel at first, as he longed for a son to carry on his lineage. He and Michelle agree to naming their daughter Regina, so Daniel would call her by the name he had hoped his son would be named, Reggie. Daniel, in an feeble attempt to lead others to believe he had a son, forbid Michelle to let Reggie's hair grow long. Hence, she was quite the tomboy, up until she reached the adolescent years and began to mature into a young woman. She was ridiculed by the local boys, and took to fisticuffs on many an occasion. Daniel taught her to play poker, and she would not only hold her own in a fist fight, but would embarrass the boys in card games also. Always with an extra ace up her sleeve, she won the majority of the time.

The first time Daniel put a gun in Reggie's hands was on her thirteenth birthday. It was a beat up .22 caliber rifle, Daniel was pleased with the steady hands of Reggie. Over time Daniel taught her that her guns should be an extension of herself, "be one with your weapon," he told her. Daniel worked with his blossoming daughter, teaching her his ways and even going as far as having regular duels using blanks. Reggie's cat like reflexes, and keen eye sight proved their great value. At the slightest flinch, Reggie would regularly win their duels. Hand to hand, she has a vicious right hook and is nimble and quick. At sixteen, her father presented her with a restored Remington shot gun, something in which Reggie holds dear. Its blued body, and true sights enable Reggie to be dead on at one hundred yards, further in good weather.

Reggie trekked across the Mojave with her father, much to Michelle's dismay, creating a bond unlike any other she experienced. Living an outlaw type lifestyle, while bringing vigilante justice with them to each town they entered. One morning when Reggie awoke, her father sat by the smoldering campfire carving on her shotgun. Daniel handed it to her after he had finished, it read The Devil's daughter in Spanish. Three days later was the last time Reggie saw her father, nineteen and alone, she did what it took to survive.

Reggie took to her gambling, that provided her with many interesting items. One item in particular was the pieces of Jade that now adorn the handles of her pistol and Bowie knife. A knife in which caused her to be shunned from her home settlement of Tular. One of her cards fell from her sleeve, as alcohol dumbed her common sense. The man whom she had been beating hand over fist lunged at her with the Bowie knife, the tip cutting the right side of her face. He demanded his money back, Reggie's reply was her Magnum to the man's forehead, relieving his head of it's duty to carry his brain. She was ushered out and cursed to never set foot in Tular again.

No home, and just her belongings she had with her, Reggie went from town to town. Using her wits and arrogant charm to get would be lovers drunk and buy a room. They woke up both penniless and without boots. She would throw the boots on the roof of a nearby building, allowing her ample time to get away. Nobody other than tribals would venture on the hot grounds of the Mojave without boots. Reggie grew tired of this lifestyle, and the things that she heard about the NCR piqued her interest. But, her father had been a wanted man by the NCR for some time, so she took her mothers last name of Torrez.

Reggie was diligent in her efforts to become a soldier. She showcased her skill set, though able to survive most hand to hand combat, even though she was not as powerful as most, her shooting skills impressed. But, her bad attitude towards the Drill Instructor put an abrupt halt to her becoming an NCR soldier. She still wanders the Mojave seeking a more permanent home.

Name: Jamie T. Taylor 'J.T.'

Age: 39

six: male

Race: Human, Caucasian

Skills: J.T. has had Power Armor training, is skilled with small arms and rifles. He is gifted with the ability to play the guitar and sing.

Physical appearance: He is six feet tall, 170 pounds, long dirty blonde hair and scruffy beard, brilliant blue eyes. He has a scar across his back, from shoulder to shoulder, from a Raider’s sword.

Personality: JT is a charming, charismatic person. Prefers a mellow, laid back lifestyle. Some people think he's lazy, but he is quite quick when he needs to be. He can get along with almost anyone, but disrespect his mother, or guitar, and you have a problem. When JT is provoked, he does have a violent streak that will rear its ugly head, in part to his BoS training.

Weapons and armor: JT carries a hunting rifle, silenced 10mm pistol, and a switchblade. His clothing consists of brown work boots, worn out blue jeans, white tank top under a brown leather duster, with a pair of sunglasses. He also totes around his antique acoustic guitar, around his neck is a leather boot lace turned necklace. He places the guitar picks he makes onto it, usually around 6 or so.

Previous Occupation: He did serve in the Brotherhood, but chooses to leave that part of his life behind. He simply wanders around, settling at places from time to time.

Faction: None

Backstory: JT, the middle of three sons to Mitch and JoAnne Taylor, was raised in the ruins of Carson City, now referred to as Larson City because of Raiders. Mitch, a well-known businessman, helped a great deal with the rebirth of the city. He had rebuilt an old hotel into a casino of sorts. JoAnne managed the in house restaurant and kept tabs on the more permanent tenants. JT had met many, many people; some who stayed awhile would teach or show him different things. JT had a vast knowledge of many different skills, but not particularly great at to many of them. One day, when JT was sixteen, a beautiful girl around his age showed up, her name was Haley. Her parents planned to live there for a while. She carried a strange looking suitcase with her, JT introduced himself, and they had an almost instant friendship. When he inquired about the strange suitcase, she explained it was a guitar case, and eventually taught him to play it.

Over the course of the next two years, when JT wasn't working, the two of them were together. JT and Haley were inseparable, teenagers in love as JoAnne put it. JT developed a deep affection for music, particularly, the guitar. JT's father supported the Brotherhood of Steel immensely, he provided tech when he came across it, and finances. Mitch told the boys he was sending them for training that he had made a deal with the BoS. His brothers wanted nothing more but JT, wanted nothing to do with it. Mitch forced him to go anyways; JT was extremely bitter and sick of the thought of leaving Haley.

JT completed training, eventually going AWOL. He did not like many of the means the Brotherhood used to procure their 'new' tech. While he was away, Mitch began dabbling in other areas; one in particular was becoming a slaver. In his casino, if you borrowed from the casino and lost, you really lost. Mitch would own you, if the poor soul was lucky; they would only have to work for Mitch, whether in his fields, on his buildings, or as a casino prosttute.

When JT returned home five years later, Haley was a shadow or her former self. Much worse, JoAnne had passed due to a Jet overdose; Haley was now forced to be Mitch’s girl. JT, not only disgusted with his father’s new foray for making money, his now cruel demeanor and relentless pursuit of money and power. One night, while his father was passed out drunk, JT poisoned him. His brothers were killed serving the BoS, but JT was unaware of this, and he ultimately inherited his father’s businesses.

In an attempt to right what had been wronged. JT kept the savings of his fathers, but turned control of the casino over to the people Mitch had enslaved. Haley and JT ventured as far away from Larson as they could, eventually settling in a small town. They established a little restaurant, and enjoyed what they had; glad to be away from the haunting memories of Larson City. The couple wed, and all looked promising, they were even expecting a child. But Haley died during childbirth, JT was devastated, he had lost the woman that he loved and his child. JT left with no particular place set in his mind. That was when he was twenty six years of age, now thirteen years later; he continues to wander, carrying his two loves on his back. Haley's guitar and the gift of music she had shared with him in his guitar.

Name: Catharina (Cat) Bellamy

Age: 38

six: Female

Race: Caucasian

Skills: Medicine, Speech, Guns

Physical appearance: Cat stands tall with her 5’11” and weighs approx. 155 lbs. Her body has curves in the right places, and she had gained a few pounds while working in the research field, since it included lots of hours sitting in front of a computer. She keeps her black hair short and spikey. Her eyes are emerald green.
Fine lines around her eyes and mouth show that she’s quick to laugh, yet shadows below her eyes tell a different story.
Both arms show various old burn scars, some small as tiny as needle pin heads, some as large as a bottle cap.

Personality: Cat is a quiet person, but that doesn’t mean she is shy. On the contrary, she enjoys meeting people. Her positive energy shines like a beacon in the wasteland darkness. Others are drawn to her and making friends comes easy to her. However, she is not a push over. If she feels that someone is taking advantage of her good nature, she will issue a warning and if that person continues to push her, she will take appropriate action, usually involving the legal way, if there is one. Out in the wastes however, where there is no law, she knows how to deal with raiders, since she had learned to shoot a gun at an early age. However, a gun will always be a last resort. Cat is a diplomat at heart and tries to diffuse a situation through talk first.

Weapons & armour/clothing:
Sturdy boots, military camouflage pants, brown T-shirt, Leather Duster.
Favorite gun is a .45 auto pistol

(Previous) Occupation(s): Worked as a medic for several years with the Followers. Most of her medical knowledge comes from working with NCR Doctors in Hopeville.

Faction (NCR, Legion, BOS, None. Etc): Loosely associated with the Followers and NCR, but not a member.

Backstory: Cat was born in the L.A. Boneyard, out in California. Her parents decided that a big city was not the best place to raise their daughter and so they headed east, looking for a quiet place where they could settle down. Her mother was part of the Followers of the Apocalypse and had worked at the Boneyard Medical University. Her father was part of the Republic’s Reserve and had helped to bring law and order to the city. He had fought many raiders, who tried to undermine NCR rule.

They both left their lives behind, in order to give their daughter one. Cat had just turned five years old, when they began their long trek east, across dangerous territory. After a week of wandering, they finally crossed into the Mojave. The first town they came to was Primm and this is where they stayed. Cat’s childhood was filled with laughter and happiness, until the day came when her parents went out to look for supplies and never returned. Cat had just turned sixteen. Johnson and Ruby Nash took the girl in and Cat remained friends with the elderly couple to this day.

However, as soon as Cat turned twenty one, the Mojave called to her and she thought it was time she spread her wings and looked for her own destiny. At first, Cat headed to New Vegas, earned a living as a waitress for a while, but found the position lacking. She wanted more out of live, wanted to do good, wanted to help others, just like her parents. After a month of working at the Tops, she bid the Chairmen adieu and headed into Freeside to work with the Followers. Life was good, it had a meaning. The Followers sent her on various mission and many times they assigned her to head out with the NCR. She learned a lot from NCR Medics and soon became a skilled Combat Medic herself.

In the year 2274 the NCR offered her a permanent position at a new camp they had established in Hopeville, just a few miles outside of Primm. Cat accepted without hesitation and was happy to be close to her childhood home and to see the Nash’s on a regular basis.

A small community had settled in Hopeville and was carving out a new life for themselves. In a few years, it was thriving. They repaired the “High Road” and various businesses were established alongside the highway. Some of the six and seven story buildings were renovated to serve as apartment complexes. This community seemingly captured the prosperous image Cat had of pre-war America. She felt at home here. This was Hopeville’s time. Cat felt overcome with pride and honor to be part of something so glorious. She marveled at everyone’s drive and dedication. They had built something out of nothing and they watched it blossom over the years.

Cat’s contribution had not been a small one. She ran the Hopeville Clinic and had helped to build it with her own two hands. And then, she had fallen in love. Her fiancé, Matt Jackson, a Sergeant First Class in the NCR, could make her laugh and then told her that he adored the sound she made. At first, they met as doc and patient, he had been shot in the leg during a Legion conflict and been sent back to Hopeville. His injury wasn’t life threatening and Cat referred to it that tiny scratch that brought them together.

They spent two blissful years with each other and were talking about getting married in 2277. However, fate had other plans.

As the sun climbed into the sky, pronouncing a clear, bright day for a change, Cat hurried to the Hopeville Missile Silo to assist in various research studies. They looked at the storm patterns, at soil consistencies and various other data.

The earth began to shake an hour later. Cat’s first instinct was to run outside and help anyone who might be injured, to try and get everyone to safety, and then… Matt! The other two scientists ran out, to find their families. The ground convulsed and suddenly it stopped. Cat opened the door and was engulfed by a major dust cloud, which obscured her vision. She stumbled down the road, calling Matt’s name, calling her friends, trying to locate survivors. After a moment she almost tripped over a body and when she kneeled down next to him, her eyes fell onto the name tag. Ashes rained down on her, settling on her bare arms, leaving various sizes of burn marks.

“Matt,” she called his name and turned his face slowly towards her. Her blood froze in her veins at the sight of him. He looked like he had been skinned alive. He was dead, there was no pulse. She threw herself onto his chest and cried hot tears. Suddenly, a hand grabbed her arm and when she looked up, his eyes bore into hers. “Run,” he whispered and weakly pushed her away.

Cat’s scream never left her throat. Suddenly, she saw other marked men get up from where they had fallen and she knew that Hopeville was now a place of horror, death and destruction. And she ran.

Name:William Krios

Age: 30

six: Male

Race: Caucasian

Skills: Guns, Repair, Survival. A little bit of science.

Medical Problems: Has asthma and requires a respirator. When short of breath, he has to put it on. In battle, he always has it on due to adrenaline rushing in and fear of get killed.

Physical appearance: Black Hair Smooth Wave, Rough Beard, Blue Eyes. 145 lbs.

Personality: William dosent like to talk a lot but is friendly when talkin people. He hates stupid questions. When threatened, he will usually try to tal them down in a civilized way. In the wastes, he is always wary with his gun ready. William is smart in machinery and hates it when someone messes it up.

Weapons & armour/clothing: Breathing Mask, Swat Ballistic Vest, Blue Jeans, White Shirt Inside. His armor is similar to Joshua Graham. Marksman Carbine, .45 pistol, Bowie Knife, and 2 throwing knives.

(Previous) Occupation(s): Former Engineer of the Desert Rangers.

Faction (NCR, Legion, BOS, None. Etc): Has former Desert Rangers friends down Mexico and knows about some of the former Desert Rangers part of NCR now.

Backstory: Was part of small town in Arizona called Pelagia. When he was 18, the Legion attacked enslaving his town. He escaped and joined up with the Desert Rangers. This was one year before they signed the Ranger Unification Treaty. He learned the technical skills from his dad becoming a engineer. He served as a engineer, making weapons, reapairing infastracture, etc. He was about to gain his Desert Ranger armor but the ranger treaty was signed and went down to Mexico with a few other former Rangers. They stayed there for for a helping small towns there learn how to fix machinery, infastracure and teaching them how to fight against the mobs, raiders, and drug cartels. After that, he decided to go back to Nevada by going through Legion territory in Arizona. He arrived there in Nipton, seeing it as a destroyed town and decided to help and also to find a permanent home.

Name: Roderick Filcher

Age: 17

six: Male

Race: Caucasian/ Hispanic (Caucasian more prominent)

Skills: Very sneaky and an excellent pickpocket. High security. proficient with handguns

Physical appearance: Roderick is rather small. He is thinly built but not out of shape due to a hard life. He has a timid look to him and his green eyes betray a lifetime of horrors. He has greasy black hair and his slightly tanned skin. Roderick is decent enough in the looks department.

Personality: Cautious, very cautious. Roderick has adopted the mantra of “only the paranoid survive” and lives by its rules. He is slow to trust and tries not to take unnecessary risks. He is not, however, a coward. He will act when he knows he must but doesn’t like to take too many chances. He is somewhat superstitious and fatalistic, and puts a lot of his trust in lady luck.

Equipment: A white t shirt with a patchy Grey sweatshirt and dark jeans. He is armed with a 1911 colt handgun and has ten .45 rounds for it with one magazine. He also has a switchblade for protection and practical uses. He has a black backpack with several cans of food and a canteen filled with water. Roderick wears a rabbit foot necklace.

Previous occupations: survivor. He has been a loner his whole life and has learned how to survive.

Faction: None

Backstory: Roderick was born to a decrepit prosttute. He has no recollection of his life up to the age of five. His mother was a member of a travelling caravan that would transport goods across the Wasteland. When waiting for new jobs, she would make a living as a prosttute and that was the way he came to be. He worked with the caravan and learned the ways of the wasteland. At the age of fifteen, the caravan was attacked by supermutants.
Roderick managed to escape, but the rest of the caravan was not so lucky. For the next two years Roderick drifted through the Wasteland, occasionally running errands and doing other oddjobs for whoever had the caps. In his journeys he has now stumbled across Nipton.

Name: Ace Makovich

Age: 31

six: Male

Race: Caucasian

Skills: Energy weapons, repair, science

Physical appearance: 5’10 & 220lbs. Light brown hair with hazel eyes. Due to his training he is well built. Likes to keep his hair short but long enough to comb forward. He has slightly pale skin due to living in a bunker for so long.

Personality: Had always been reclusive and quiet. Ever since Helios One, he's become more outspoken and will make his opinion known when needed. Really opens up when he is drinking and might actually make a good companion.

Weapons & armor/clothing: He wears an engineer’s jumpsuit but wears an old bulletproof vest underneath, as well as a pair of black boots. Has his scribe robe but he keeps it in his pack. Carries a plasma defender, but leaves it in his pack due to forgetting to bring enough energy cells. Currently uses a 10mm SMG with a few cartridges of ammo. Due to his main training as scribe he doesn’t like using weapon unless strictly necessary and even then he feels guilty. He also carries a combat knife hidden in his boot.

(Previous) Occupation(s): Scribe for the Brotherhood, professional drunk

Faction (NCR, Legion, BOS, None. Etc): BOS

Backstory: Ace was once a brilliant scribe for the BOS. There never was a project or problem too hard for him to figure out and resolve. Alongside many of the other BOS member he participated at Helios One before it was taken over by the NCR. His main task was resolving the power issues and rerouting them to the weapon, but realized they were missing the transmitter (Euclid's C-Finder).

He loved his job and discovering old world tech and experimenting with it whenever he got a chance. What made it even greater was working along the girl of his dreams and current wife. She was paladin and a soldier, a complete opposite to his persona. She was tough and hardy, never shy of expressing her opinion and using a weapon whenever possible to fix her problems.

When Helios one was overrun and McNamara called for a retreat to hidden valley, his wife stayed behind ensuring the scribes made it out safely. Knowing he would leave willingly without her, she knocked him and had her squire carry him to the Bunker. When he came to and found out that she died defending the retreat, he hit the bottle hard to escape his sorrow. Ever since he became more desolate and avoided people. His work started to add up and became a burden on the other members. McNamara called him into his chambers and told him that until he gets his act together he would have to leave. In order to help him, he authorized for him to take y two weapons and a combat knife from the armory as well as supplies from the mess hall and some of the local currency of caps.


Name: Lisa Rodgers

Age: 32

six: Female

Race: Caucasian

Skills: Energy weapons, Guns, Unarmed

Physical appearance: 5’1 & 140lbs. Blond hair with blue eyes. Due to her training she is physically built. She keeps her hair at medium length, but always messy due to the PA helmet. She has slightly pale skin due to living in a bunker for so long and for wearing the armor.

Personality: She is friendly and very open but opinionated. Yet in battle, she is cooled headed and will do whatever it takes to win. Does not understand the meaning of no, and if you say anything about her height, watch out.

Weapons & armor/clothing: She wears T-51b power armor and helmet. Whenever not wearing it she sports a camouflage reinforced combat armor Mk II, but no helmet (she calls it her casual wear) Weapons she carries a Gauss Rifle, along with a plasma defender and two combats knives in her boots, when wearing casual wear.

Occupation(s): Paladin for the Brotherhood, member of the Circle of Steel

Faction (NCR, Legion, BOS, None. Etc): BOS

Back-story: She grew up in Lost Hills were she trained from a young age to become a soldier. She was always teased about her height by the others, and she harnessed that anger to become top of her class. She rose through the ranks quickly and caught the eyes of the High Elder. Anyone she was pitted against she was able to beat with ease.

During the NCR/BOS war, she was dispatched from Lost Hill to the Mojave Wasteland with a company of knights. She fought and killed many NCR troopers, she was ecstasy fighting and killing. Having the highest kill ratio she came to report directly to Elder Elijah. She found him to be a charismatic leader and admired him. Since she reported to Elijah, she got to meet and became friends. However, in the last few days at Helios One she came to see him as a lunatic that needed to be removed.

After the retreat, and defeat at NCR hands she remained in Hidden Valley, but along certain members and elders they founded the Circle of Steel. She wanted the pleasure to hunt down Elijah, but that pleasure was given to Christine Royce. Instead, she remained in hidden valley to keep an eye on things. She saw Ace’s downfall from Senior Scribe to banishment, she hated what happened and wanted to help him but she owed allegiance to McNamara and the Circle.

Soon enough she would get a chance to see him again, but this time was to keep an eye on him, and if need be get rid of him.

alex man142
Name: Peter Van Heerdan

Age: 20

six: Male

Race: Caucasian

Skills: An extremely talented rhetorician. Extremely proficient with small guns. Knows how to cheat at gambling games and can lock-pick
decently. Knows how to use a knife proficiently as well.

Physical appearance: Peter prefers the pre-war look

Personality: Peter is usually a kind person, except if you provoke him. His anger can flare at a moments notice, and only a few people (such as his
wife) can calm him down. Almost never gets angry at his wife or kids.

Weapons & armour/clothing: A 9MM pistol, knife, and ammo. Has a couple of suits and hats.

(Previous) Occupation(s): Former NCR trooper.

Faction (NCR, Legion, BOS, None. Etc): None

Backstory: Peter was born in a farm near the Boneyard to a moderately wealthy family. At the age of 16 he eloped with a girl named Mary. In need of money to support her and his soon to be family, he joined the NCR army. For two years he did not see his wife or daughters, and was not granted vacation time. To his delight, he was wounded during the Second Battle of Hoover Dam and was discharged soon after. Disenfranchised with the NCR, he packed his bags and went East, not knowing where his road might take him.

Bridgett Aliccia Brooks
Name: Bridgett Aliccia Brooks

Age: 25

six: female

Race: caucosian

Skills: knows a bit about guns, from her past.

Physical appearance: fit

Personality: little aggressive sometimes, but tries to substain herself

Weapons & armour/clothing: Old assault rifle, like seen from fallout 3, and a sword. Wears a torn settler uniform with a hole in it, as if the previous owner had been shot.

(Previous) Occupation(s): Raider boss.

Faction (NCR, Legion, BOS, None. Etc): None, and dislikes NCR.

Backstory: Brooks was born in some vault out east. She had to leave her home, where her family died, and survive out in the wastes, already when she was 16 year old. Soon after she was taken as a slave, worked for 2 years, most likely as a six slave, until she was freed by a revolutionary slaver resistance group. She, in rage, killed her liberators, taking whatever she could from their camp, and set out in the wastes. She started going in with some bad people, and soon had a small crew of raiders. Later she was reffered to as the Raider Queen, by some crews. She kept control of a large area somewhere around the area of DC, but was beaten by BoS, where she then fleed to the other side of the country, to flee her past. Soon she arrived at Nipton, knowing it might be ripe for the picking.

Name: Ryan Mitchell
Age: 38
six: Male
Race: Caucasian
Skills: Being an ex-Ranger, Ryan has many of their skills with none of their authority over him. He can track, trap, and pull off shots some would say were crazy. He knows his medical stuff ( enough to keep him alive ) and can keep his guns in top form. Other than his guns, ranging, medical needs, and his unarmed prowess Ryan sees little need for any other skills.

Physical Appearance: Ryan has an athletic body from his tenure in the Rangers and has maintained it by pushing his limits constantly. His face is full with warm brown eyes. He's clean cut at all times but has a full head of brown hair that's never styled. He stands at 6'3 and weighs 210 pounds.

Personality: Ryan dislikes authority and anyone abuses the little guy. He is a free spirit, not really caring about much. He does however like to protect others since he is able to. He harbors an extreme hatred for the Legion, wishing them all dead. It is the only NCR tradition he carries on. He likes his drink and living a free life. He fears no-one.

Weapons: Ryan fancies himself a pistolero and has become a master of one-handed gun handling. He keeps a .45 pistol ( Colt 1911 ), 12.7mm pistol, and a modded Ranger Sequoia for special occasions. He only carries one rifle that he only uses when he knows he'll need some long-range weaponry, an old Brush Gun with an added scope.

Armor: Advanced Riot Gear ( w/ helmet ). He wears the trench coat over a Ranger casual outfit, keeping the actual armor and helmet for dire situations.

Previous Occupations: Former NCR Ranger Vet, he quit after seeing things like Bitter Springs for too long.

Faction: None, only a few friends from his ranging days. He severed all ties he had with the NCR.

Backstory: Ryan was born to two homeless parents whom he never met, as they were killed by unknown assailants soon after his birth. The small baby was found by an old NCR serviceman named Jerry Mitchell who raised him as his own and even gave Ryan his names, he also told him stories of how glorious the NCR is. Old Jerry lived in McCarran and brought Ryan home with him after finding him on a walk outside of the base. The old man named was kind but knew that young Ryan must learn to be strong and independent to live in the post-apocalypse. He taught Ryan to shoot, to patch himself up, and how to fight unarmed. Ryan learned over the long years, he grew to love the NCR. The young boy heard of them all the time, and aspired to become the best of them one day. Being around the soldiers only strengthened his resolve, they were his heroes.

At 18 the boy enlisted in the military, the NCR took him regardless for they needed able and willing men. Ryan's first mission went well, though it was only a routine Fiend-purging. The young man fought hard and earned all he got. The other men liked their new comrade, he was always joking and helping them along their way. The boy made quick friends will his troop and even the Rangers took notice of him, they watched him closely for years.

At 24 after numerous promotions and serving faithfully for 6 years, he was extended an offer to join the ranks of the Rangers. He accepted immediately, very near to completing his dream. After so long he'd become a Ranger of the NCR, he was among his heroes. The others were happy to have him though some were jealous and looked down on him. Ryan worked just as hard, taking every chance to help his fellows and racking up a respectable kill count of Fiends and Legion. He moved outposts from time to time but stayed alert always. He was rather envious of the 1st Recon men, but knew he was lucky to be where he was.

Ryan worked for years and years until he was awarded the title of Ranger Vet at age 30. He was ecstatic and he rushed back to McCarran to receive his black armor. But he learned he must go to old Chief Hanlon to get his prize. He journeyed to Camp Golf and found the Chief, where he then attained his ultimate gift. He donned the armor and felt his whole life's dream finally come true. Hanlon commended the new Vet, saying Ryan was an asset and credit to the Rangers. Ryan served on with continued distinction.

But Ryan began to see the darker side of the NCR's operations. Witnessing massacres and seeing " uprisings " put down. Innocents were killed and Ryan took part. He felt he was doing the right thing, that the NCR was doing what had to be done. But when Bitter Springs came to pass, Ryan saw through the veil. Just a day later old Jerry passed, Ryan's faith was crushed. He quit the Rangers and left on his own. Taking his armor and weapons, and even stealing a Ranger Sequoia for his trouble. He also saw a derelict sit of advanced riot gear scavenged from somewhere sitting in an armory, he took suit's more advanced tech and found an engineer to install it all into his own suit.

Ryan wandered for years, helping those who needed it. The grizzled vet stayed in towns occasionally to help with keeping peace. He killed any Legionnaries he saw, Fiends too. The NCR left him alone. The ex-Ranger Vet crusaded against the same old enemies. After so much hardship though, he remained his old fun-loving self.

Now's he's decided little Nipton could use a hand in the harsh world.

People's Houses
H1 - alex man142

H2 - redpanther897

H3 - Bosmight

H4 - Bridgett Aliccia Brooks

H5 - Securitron 1C 3C R34 M

H6 - xHawksx

H7&GS - OldRPG'sAreGood

H8 - Fritz8084

H9 - Magus the Red

H10 - Agrona

T1 - TheLoneRanger

T2 - f8lcobra

T3 - disturbing

redpanther897 is a co-GM as well

1. No being OP
2. Got a question, ask in OOC thread
3. If you want to point out something in your post (example, your character has a bloodstain on them) but feel you can’t fit it into the post naturally then but it in brackets, example (OOC: My character has a bloodstain on them)
4. Edits may be made to your character sheet regarding backstory, but not to skills or equipment (unless they have been learned/found in the course of the RP)
5. No character controlling (unless you have permission from both a GM and whoever it is whose character you are controlling)
6. Four lines minimum for each post.

Other notes:
Various events will happen that characters will have no control over but will affect the town. The nature and effect of the event will be given via the reports of Mr. New Vegas, who I (Securitron 1C 3C R34 M) will control in regard to major events.
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Sarah Kim
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 2:29 am

Ace Makovich – Morning - Nipton

Ace left the doc’s house and began heading home, when he began to smell the fumes that were coming out of Jack’s place. My god that’s strong, a real kick to the head. He began to hurry home when he heard a shot coming from the general store. He looked at the second floor and saw a plume of smoke coming out of the window. He knew that the impact of the bullet fire and those fumes would make nasty concoction, and caused a smoke screen. Knowing there were shots fired he did not know what to do, for one thing he had left his weapon at home and wasn’t sure whether he cared enough to go help. When he realized the fumes would target the doc’s house he decided to act. HE took his shirt off and placed it over his face to provide some sort of screen to the fumes and protection from the intoxication.

He headed inside and went up the stairs. He saw William, the man who called him out in the doc’s house, he noticed he was temporarily blinded by the smoke, he grabbed William from behind and told him, “It’s ok William, I’m here to help don’t shoot me,” and led him out of the house to get him out of the smoke. His shoulder began to hurt a lot more know since he was straining himself so much lately. He headed back inside to get Jack; he knew he was in there because not long ago he had placed him on the bed along with Cat. [censored] junkie, the doc wouldn’t forgive me if I left him to rot in there. He headed back upstairs and managed to catch a glimpse of Jack before he disappeared in the smoke. He goes to the spot and sees Jack there with a rifle in his hands and just cracking up in laughter like a mad man. I think you’ve been in here for too long fellow. Before he grabs jack he closes all the windows and turns all the water taps on, especially the shower. Gotta flood this place to get the fumes to die down. He grabbed jack by the neck and place the rifle on the floor and began to drag him downstairs and outside. He could feel his wound really throbbing now and it wasn’t too long before he ripped all his stitches and began to bleed profusely. Due to the blood loss and fumes, he began to feel light headed but managed to make it outside. “Man what a rush, I got to sit down before I fall down,” he sits on the sidewalk and grabs a flask from his pant pockets. He takes his shirt off his face and drinks down to the last bit in the flask while watching the blood gush out of him. Perhaps I should go see the doc. He tries to get up, but is to weak to do so, the fumes begins to get to him.
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Christie Mitchell
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:15 am

Bridgett Aliccia Brooks

Bridgett couldnt help but wonder about Ace. He told her of a war between the NCR and Brotherhood, but didnt the Brotherhood operate back east, and NCR west? She had to talk to him about it, maybe he knew something. Then she suddenly remembered. Ace had mentioned something about banging rocks together, which she had also heard from some of the Outcast members, those that opposed the Brotherhood. Maybe there was something to it. Could Ace be an Outcast?

When walking around, she suddenly smelled something really nasty. A smoke came out of a building by the west entrance of the town. She didnt hesitate, but ran to the house close to her (H4), closing the door and windows, and sat by there.
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Tai Scott
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:59 am

William Krios - Nipton

"Alright Jack, where are the fumes coming from." said William, pointing a gun at Jacks face.

Jack looked at him blankly, and said:

"Well, you see these bottles? And do you see any rooms other than that?" and swung his hand at the bathroom door. All the while, he had slowly sliden his hand towards his rifle, hoping that taunting words would keep Williams attention at him. Jack grabbed his varmint rifle, unsure if the move was a surprise to Krios, and pointed it at him. "Now we're in a real predicament, eh?" Jack chuckled and smiled. He then kicked one of the fume bottles to Williams feet, shooting and spreading the fumes all over William, hoping that the effects would buy him enough time to... hell, Jack didn't even know for what did he need time for, because murder would bring the whole town upon him.

William saw that Jack kicked the fumes bottles. He knew his eyes cant tolerate these fumes anymore as he would have permanent eye blindness.

"You [censored]in junkie scum as he talked in a dark voice while his respirator was currently providing him protection from the fumes

"William was ready to pull the trigger but could not see, as he was seeing multiple faces. He started to fire his Marksman Carbine everywhere until there wer no more bullets. His eyes were swollen to point he can no longer see.

“It’s ok William, I’m here to help don’t shoot me,” and led him out of the hose to get him out of the smoke.

"Ace is that you, kill this junkie bastard. He been trouble ever since he got here.

William was then out of the house but slightly saw Ace go back in the house. He then saw how the fumes were going to engulf the town. William stood up, but could not see, and putted his hand out. William needed to get inside his house before these fumes caused him to become blind. The only thing though is that he cant see and knew he needed to get somewhere inside. He then saw a figure running and yelled.

"Hey can someone get me inside a house, anywhere as he yelled with desperation and while his eyes were tearing up badly".

William then saw HK-47 roaming around yelling many Chinese threat attacks.

"Warning, Chinese Biological Chemical Attack has proceeded. Enter you nearest homes immediatley, lock your doors and windows and wait until Unnited States Chemical Corps units relive you.
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:53 am

Jack Mulder- Midday

Ace had dragged Jack outside, despite Jacks' resistance. As Ace sat, Jack crawled to him and growled:

"If I'm going to die, at least let me die high!" he looked Ace with pleading eyes, but realised that he wasn't going to get up soon. "Doc, we need 'ya here!" Jack yelled, and in the corner of his eye, saw that robot somebody had fixed. Jack didn't care, and even if the already released psilocybin Jet fumes were getting in his head, he ran back inside the store, desperate to save his drugs. At this point, his chest and forehead created a storm of pain, making Jack stumble a bit, but he got upstairs and went straight to the bathroom. He closed his eyes, took a good long breath and listened all the water run. And, for a moment, he was utterly, completetly happy. He closed the bathroom door, and the world transformed in his eyes, the hallucinations had began....
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Eilidh Brian
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Post » Wed Jun 13, 2012 7:10 pm

Jamie "J.T." Taylor - Nipton - Morning

JT smiled as he walked towards Nipton, he had heard about while in Primm where he was happy to have broke even on the slots. His guitar gently bounced against his rear with each step, it was a nice job offer to play at the casino, but after spending his childhood inside his folks casino, it was no longer the atmosphere he desired. He enjoyed his freedom, free to roam where the wind blew, free to just float about in this life long after the bombs fell. How he wished that he could have been born before the Great War, able to hear greats like Elvis, The Beatles, and many other great music artists that had been all the rage so long ago.

He fancied southern rock himself, but some blues, jazz, and good'ol fashion rock and roll were always welcomed into his ears. Be it a bass guitar or an old steel six string, there was just something about the sound from those strings that brought great joy to him, and more importantly, piece. He reached up and ran his finger over his picks, eager to sit out by a camppfire and strum some tunes.

Rumor had spread fast about Nipton, and its new inhabitants attempting to re-establish it to a safe settlement. That was made apparant as he strolled past the old sign on the edge of town. He paused, seeing people going about their business. New adventures await, not to mention a whole lot of work from the looks of it.

JT plod along, as if he was on an liesurely stroll down a pleasant street as apposed to the often dangerous Mojave. He watched as a tall woman carrying a good load of stuff disappeared into the nearby bungalow. She seemed busy and focused on the task at hand, so he didn't bother her at that moment. Venturing further into town JT wrinkled his nose, what the??? He looked around, the stench seemed to escaped from what looked to be a general store. He saw a man wearing a respirator go over to the store, busting out the gas masks, think I'll stay away for now.

JT noticed a sign, The Captain's Club, that's what I'm talking about, he walked over to the place. To the right inside the door was a jukebox, straight across from the door was a bar with a few stools. He noticed a man, he was middle aged with salt and peppered hair, JT took a seat on one of the barstools.

"G'afternoon, name's JT, I'll take a beer if ya have some," JT extended his hand to the older gentleman.
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Kevin Jay
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:06 am

Ace Makovich – Morning – Nipton

Ace managed to get some strength to stand up. He begins what seems like a long trek to the doc’s house. I gotta ask Jack for a sample of that jet, my god that’s some good [censored], I feel completely messed up. I’m gonna have to put the doc on retainer if I’m going to keep getting injured. While walking he realizes he has his holotags on, so he takes them off and puts them in his pocket. He manages to make it to the house, and when he gets there he is about to collapse from the blood loss, and the jet fumes. He stumbles forward but manages to lean on the closest person to him, that happened to be Reggie, bringing her down with him to the floor due to her leg. “Looks like I got some blood on you Reggie,” he says giving her a smile.
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Maya Maya
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:14 am

Karl Kliesmann
Karl left Cat's house and went to his house. He grabbed the bag of seeds and planted them in the irrigated land. For every one of the seeds he poked his finger into the moist earth and dropped a seed in. He then swept dirt over the hole with his boot. When he had planted all he could in the plot he stepped back and admired his handiwork. He then made his way to Alexander's. When he opened the door he saw a strange man in a trench coat. Karl didn't care for who he kept company with but when he saw the man's face he knew he had seen him before. His mind took little more than a second to rerember. "Bitter Springs" Karl whispered to himself and said to Alexander "Whiskey if yalls got any."
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:45 am

Peter Van Heerden - Nipton

Peter walked into the "Captains Club," as it was now named. It wasn't much yet, but it seemed like it would be the kind of place where you could drink yourself to your hearts content. Mary wouldn't let him, for sure, but he could sneak in a drink here and there.

He walked over to the bartender, "Hey, do you have something strong? Gimme your strongest drink."

Peter was slightly tipsy from the bottle of Vodka he drank earlier, but he needed more. He was simply depressed. His time in the NCR military had cost him dearly. He found solace in alcohol. His wife hated it, and prevented him from drinking whenever possible. At least he wasn't doing chems.
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:51 am

Roderick Filcher - Nipton

Rod had seen the cloud of fumes coming from the general store and headed there immediately. He saw a shirtless Ace stumble his way to the kitchen and was about to go help him when he saw William and he looked disoriented. The fumes must have gotten to him, I got to go and help him out. HE runs over to William and says, “Hey man you ok? Let me help you out, gotta get you to the doc.” He helps William over to the docs house and when he gets there he sees both Ace and Reggie on the floor, “Comfortable down there you two? Hey doc something wrong with William here the fumes must have done something to him.”
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Trevor Bostwick
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Post » Wed Jun 13, 2012 8:22 pm

William Krios - Nipton

William saw a unknown man guiding him to a house. When he got in, he sees 2 bodies lying on the floor. William eyesight got a bit cleared up when he got in but his eyes were still swollen.

"Who are you?"
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Soku Nyorah
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Post » Wed Jun 13, 2012 8:10 pm

Cat Bellamy - NOON - Nipton - Her House

Cat rushed to Ace, as he collapsed on the floor, taking Reggie down with him. She help both up and lead Ace to a chair in the dining room. "You ok Reggie?" she called over her shoulder, as the young woman collects herself.

"Ace," she called out when she saw the fresh splotches of blood forming beneath is shirt and bandages. "I've heard a shot coming from the store. Did Jack shoot you?" she asked concerned while slowly unwrapping the bandages, to inspect the injury. "You've managed to rip open your stitches," Cat called out in dismay. "When will people learn to take it easy after they get shot? Here, let me get you some Med-X and then I'll sew you back up," she also noticed Ace was rather pale and his eyes were glazed over. "Don't tell me you went into Jack's house? I've seen that look before. It's all those damnable fumes. Jack is not a healthy addition to this community," she said angrily, while stitches him up again and then wraps new bandages around his wounds.

"I want you to go straight home, Ace and get some rest. Didn't I just tell you that a few hours ago?" She asked with a grin. "I've also want you to flush your eyes out with some purified water and make sure you drink plenty of water as well. And eat something, those are nasty fumes and you need to flush them out of your system," she advised him.

Suddenly, the metallic voice of the robot informed everyone about a biological attack. Cat went to the door and stuck her head out and got a whiff of the fumes. She almost ran into Rod, who was leading William to her house.

"Come in, come in quick," she ushered the two men inside and closed the door. "Let me have a look at William," she said and pointed to a chair, where Rod could lead him too. Cat then gently lowered his respirator and examined his face. "Oh my, your eyes are all swollen and clouded over. Did you come in direct contact with the fumes, William?" she asked and began to rinse his eyes with purified water.
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:42 am

Roderick Filcher - Nipton

“It’s Rod, William we here at the doc’s house,” Rod told William, “Hey Doc It’s not safe to go out there right now I would actually tell them to stay here.” He saw the doc had her hands full and thought for a second, I should probably make myself useful here and help out the doc. “Hey doc do you need an assistant? I don’t know much about medicine but I can learn. I’d be glad to help out, if you’d like.”
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Jack Moves
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Post » Wed Jun 13, 2012 9:12 pm

William Krios - Nipton

Wiliam eyes were bloodshot red and around his eyes were swollen. He saw Doc Cat leading him towards a chair. William sat down and Cat lowered his respirator and rinsed his eyes out with purified water.

"Did you come in direct contact with the fumes, William?"

As the purified water when through his eyes, he started to see slightly better: his eyes opened a bit more,

"Only my eyes. I am glad did not inhale any of that [censored]. When my eyes are fine, he is going to pay.

“It’s Rod, William we here at the doc’s house,” Rod told William,

"Rod, have we met?"
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Amanda Furtado
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:07 am

Ace Makovich – Noon – Nipton

“Sure doc chastise me for helping out, is William ok? I was able to get him out the house but went back inside to close those windows and stop the fumes. I was able to drag Jack out, he was really messed up, is he here as well cause I want a few words with that rock banging crack pot,” he said while trying to clear his eye out with some water. “No, Jack didn’t shoot me, just busted stitches open while carrying him out,and if you don’t mind doc, can you some Fixer, cause I feel sick, also i could use some scotch my flask is empty.” He pointed at this flask in disappointment.
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Beth Belcher
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:49 am

Ryan Mitchell - Nipton - Morning

Ryan saw people running about and some walked straight away to the town hall. He decided that he cared little what the others, it mattered little. Though he thought himself social, it seemed that he wanted to be alone now. Talking the little he did of his rangering days brought a wash of bad memories and some pain with it. The ex-vet drained the last of his vodka, he hadn't noticed until then how much he'd drank. He was ready to go and judging by what everyone else was doing, he'd have no companions. Ryan was fine with that, he could kill Geckos in his sleep. The only trouble would be carrying them, a bag would fix that though.

" Well folks, if nobody wants to accompany me I'll head out. Expect me back 'round a half-hour to and hour, " Ryan smiled and turned. He put his hand on his .45 and didn't realize until he got into the trailer park. Old habits die hard. A derelict trailer sat beside others, Ryan checked all the others but only one seemed like it was empty. He'd procured some old trash bags he doubled-bagged them. The old Ranger stepped inside and unloaded all his weapons, save for his .45 pistol. An old tarp went over his weapons and other supplies. The .45 would do for simple geckos, ammo had to be conserved. He left the trailer and headed out into the wilderness into the east.

The sky was bright, the sun shone with brilliance. It was days like these that Ryan felt blessed to be alive. Beauty was absolutely everywhere even after the bombs dropped. Earth along with the human race were nothing if not enduring. Ryan soon crested a pitifully meager hill. He saw 3 geckos squawking at one another. He fired a bullet into the ground in front of the group. Their gazes shot toward the tall man who'd shot at them. The geckos squealed at him and charged. Ryan was a good 30 feet from them and had the high ground, he knew this was a 10-second engagement.

The NCR vet took a careful aim, disregarding the mutant geckos charging and squealing. His finger found the trigger and pulled it back. Hot lead flew down the barrel and into the air, it caught the largest gecko in the forehead. It dropped to the ground with blooding spurting from the wound. The others maintained their pace and were closing fast. Ryan grinned and fired twice more into closer one, both bullets tore through the gecko's chest. The last one was upon Ryan then. It sprung into the air, flying straight for Ryan's face. The ex-Ranger raised his arm and when the gecko was at arm's-length in the air, he thrust his pistol at the gaping mouth of the beast. The gecko flew right into the gun and had it along with Ryan's right hand and most of his right forearm in its mouth. All the man did was pull the trigger.

Blood and brains sprayed. It covered the dirt and some found Ryan's face. The smile had stayed though, he holstered his pistol. Ryan collected the corpses and put them in the trash bag he'd been holding. The old Ranger had walked until he'd come within sight of the fence around Nipton. As he walked though a hissing noise alerted him, Ryan spun just in time to see a giant gecko leap on him. The mutant lizard tackled the Ranger to the ground and had his left forearm in the grip of its vice-like jaws. It clamped down, crushing the bone and tearing the skin. Ryan roared in pain and anger, he drew his .45 and slammed the barrel to the creature's nose. The vet pulled the trigger again and again, shots blasted the thing's brains out along with more blood. The gecko was dead but Ryan emptied his entire clip into it.

He shoved the thing off of him and put his .45 back. How'd you like that ya piece of [censored]? Ryan grabbed the thing by its head and began to drag it back to Nipton with him. He carried the bag along with the corpse of the giant gecko into town. He found the house he'd been in front of earlier.

" Somebody say they wanted gecko?" Ryan asked the question with one of his trademark grins.
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:33 am

Roderick Filcher - Nipton

“No, I don’t think we have been properly introduced,” he said answering William, “Wait a minute Jack wasn’t outside he must have gone back inside the store, someone gots to help him.” He looks at the Cat and says with regret, “I’ll be back in minute doc, gotta get the junkie out of the store” He puts his shirt over his face and head inside the store. Oh man, can barely see anything, where the hell could Jack be? He heard water running and he went upstairs. Visibility was minimal but he managed to see what looked like a door and opened it up. There jack was lying on the floor passed out from the fumes. He turned all the water taps off and the fumes inside began to disperse a bit. He then grabbed the junkie and made his way outside. Once outside, there was a large plume of smoke in front of the doc’s place, so he wouldn’t be able to go in without endangering those inside. With all his strength he managed to carry the junkie over to the Captain’s club, he had seen people heading in there a while back so he figure someone in there might be able to help him out. He was low on energy and once he made it to the door he went stumbling forward into the bar and jack fell right on top of him, “A little help would be appreciated you guys.”
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Post » Wed Jun 13, 2012 8:24 pm

Bridgett Aliccia Brooks

Bridgett looked out of the window, seeing a few people entering the town, while the rest of the inhabitants were running and crawling in all the chaos, trying to make it to one of the houses. She saw a bunch of them gather inside the docs house. Then she saw Ryan walk with his gun to the trailer park. She thought to herself. ''Aw well, might as well check out this house while people are struggling out there, trying to survive this [censored] eyesore out there.''
She took a look around the house. On a desk she found a BB gun. ''Nice, thats some real firepower,'' She laughed.''Now all i need is some ammo, and i could have some fun with this [censored].'' She suddenly saw 3 small soda crates labeled Sunset Sarsaparilla. She took the up and emptied them on the desk. Out came a bunch of BB ammo. She smiled, reloaded the BB gun and started shooting at some bottles that were in the kitchen.
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Joey Avelar
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:11 am

Alexander Winter-The Captain's Club Alexander shook the man with the guitars hand "Pleasure to meet ya" he said in his smooth californian accent he pulled out a glass and a bottle of beer, uncapped it and passed it to the man, he took his payment "need a refill just ask me" he said, before turning to serve the new entrants, "whiskey for you mr.karl" he passed a whiskey over and took the payment , "gimme your strongest drink" he heard a voice, alexander pulled out some absinthe and vodka mixed them together and added an olive then paused to add a dash of gin "Rangers martini" he proclaimed accepting the payment for that too, he smiled "Theres a poker table downstairs as well as a Snooker table feel free to go down anytime" he smiled before pulling out a cloth and wiping down the tables.

In the middle of wiping down a table two men burst in one was set on the table clearly high "Lemme get something" he walked over to the bar pulled out some absinthe and his revolver he tipped some absinthe down the junkies throat before grabbing a bottle of water and emptying it over the man "I'll get some fixer" he growled and walked out to grab some before returning ready to see the Junkies revival.
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Janeth Valenzuela Castelo
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Post » Wed Jun 13, 2012 9:41 pm

Regina "Reggie" Torrez - Cat's Bungalow

Reggie took a breath of relief as Cat's house cleared out, cat had gone and gotten Reggie's things from her trailer, "Thanks a ton Cat, I don't have alot, but my shotgun is worth everything to me," she looked at the gun laying on the table. The day opened, it was Ace, bloodied up again he leaned on Reggie, together they crashed to floor with Ace on top of her. Reggie's face twisted in pain as Ace's leg put pressure on her wound.

“Looks like I got some blood on you Reggie,” Ace said giving her a smile.

"Get up," Reggie tried covering up the pain that panged from her leg. While they were tangled together, Rod helped William through the door and looked down.

"Comfortable down there you two? Hey doc something wrong with William here the fumes must have done something to him.” Rod explained to Cat.

"Ha...ha...real [censored] funny Rod, get this dude off of me," Reggie said.

Cat was there in an instant, before Rod could help them up, she helped to two up and escorted Ace to a chair in the dining room, "You ok Reggie?"

Reggie was brushing herself off while leaning against the wall, "I was...yeah, I'm fine. My leg's just sore as all get out now thanks to a full grown man using me as a pillow."

Cat scolded Ace for his lack of obedience she had issued him earlier, and for what Reggie could recall, fixed him up for the third time in less than twenty four hours. She the firmly told Ace to take it easy, to go home and rest as she directed her attention to William. The fumes from the general store were affecting all who got near it, causing their eyes swell up and difficulty breathing.

Sure doc chastise me for helping out, is William ok? I was able to get him out the house but went back inside to close those windows and stop the fumes. I was able to drag Jack out, he was really messed up, is he here as well cause I want a few words with that rock banging crack pot,” Ace's words struck a cord with Reggie.

"Count me out, I don’t like using weapons unless strictly necessary. I’ll let the rock bangers, and rock bangette (pointing at Reggie) do the killing." She remembered him saying a short while ago. The words had slipped past Reggie due to her lack of sleep and the pain meds, she stepped away from the wall with an angry looked smeered across her face. Rod's words fell on def ears at that very moment.

"Rock bangette huh," Reggie's voice filled with venom, "sorry we aren't all perfect like you Mr. Wonderful. Care to step outside" Her fingers twitched as she fought to grab her magnum, but she had alot of respect for Cat in the short while she had known the Doc. Reggie stepped through the door, the pungant smell waft into her nose, but she remained focused on Ace.
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Craig Martin
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 2:44 am

Cat Bellamy - Noon - Nipton - Her House

Before Cat could reply to Rod's question about the assistant position, he left the house to go look after Useless Jack. At least that's what Cat started calling him in her mind, ever since the fume issue started.

She then turned to Ace and handed him a box of fixer, "Here you go Ace, you know that this will only temporarily alleviate the addiction. However, since you only spent a short amount of time exposed to the fumes, it should actually cure you. If not, just come back and see me again," she advised him. "Oh and I'm not chiding your for helping, you know that. I'm right grateful for all you've done so far, I just wish you would help yourself to some rest," she added with a wink.

After that she examined William's eyes, "Well the puffiness went down some. How's your eye sight? It doesn't look like the fumes did any permanent damage, thank goodness. However, I want you to rinse your eyes with purified water every 15 minutes, for the next hour. This should bring you some relief and should flush the nasty stuff right out," she told him and handed him another bottle of water.

Once the men were treated, she stepped to the window and saw a plume of smoke hover outside her door. "Well, looks like the last bit of fumes is dissipating. If you have to leave, use the back door, the front is covered with a vile, looking cloud of that stuff," she advised the men.

However, she barely got the words out, when Reggie challenged Ace and stepped outside. "Reggie," Cat called out and pulled the young woman back inside. "Please, you and Ace are both in no condition to fight, especially over something silly like that," she admonished Reggie. "Please, we are getting ready for a nice dinner and we need to work together to make something out of this town," she pleaded now with Reggie. "You are a smart and sensible young woman, Reggie, and this town has seen enough trouble as it is," she added with a wry smile.

She then turned back to the window, to gauge the progress of the fumes outside.

Suddenly, she caught a glimpse of a man at the west end of town and what was that? A gecko attacked him and threw him down? Cat rubbed her eyes, and then the man came closer and she recognized Ryan, dragging the gecko behind him.

"Ryan is back with the gecko meat, I'll head on out and see to the fires and the preparations for dinner. I'll better take my first aid kit, too. Looks like the last gecko got a bit too close to him," she said, while she reached for her first aid kit and headed out of the back door, circumventing the fumes in the front.

With quick steps, she headed to the trailer park and intercepted Ryan. His sleeve was torn and Cat could see blood dripping down his arm.

"Ryan, by the divide, why didn't you take anyone with you to the hunt? You know, you don't have to be a bad ass," Cat said with a wink. "Now, put the geckos down and let me have a look at your arm," she basically ordered him and made him sit down on a bench in the trailer park, while she placed her first aid kit on the table.
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:16 am

Ace Makovich – Noon – Nipton

Ace heard Reggie and saw her going for her magnum, he could tell she was angry. “Hey there little lady, now hold on a minute, as you can see I am not armed,” he said pointing to his side, “and thank you for saying I’m wonderful, I always knew so, now how bout you be a good girl and calm down.” Luckily, the doctor tried to calm her down and prevent the situation from escalating although his choice of words may have not been the wisest or the best for the situation. “Don’t worry doc I will take it easy from now on, probably won’t do something foolish till tomorrow. Just make sure you have stitches waiting,” he told her with a smile and wink.

As he was saying that, he looked out the window and saw someone carrying a bunch of dead geckos, just like the doctor had asked for before. Ryan the doctor, called out and headed that way, and he looked like quite guy carrying those creatures in with him. Guess he took on a pack of geckos by himself, what does he think he is, a badass? He put on his shirt and began heading back to his house, to get himself drunk silly to forget the day. He looks at Reggie and with a cocky smile and a wink says, “catch you later rock bangette”
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Alexis Estrada
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Post » Wed Jun 13, 2012 10:25 pm

William Krios - Nipton

After that she examined William's eyes, "Well the puffiness went down some. How's your eye sight? It doesn't look like the fumes did any permanent damage, thank goodness. However, I want you to rinse your eyes with purified water every 15 minutes, for the next hour. This should bring you some relief and should flush the nasty stuff right out," she told him and handed him another bottle of water.

"Alright Doc, thanks for the help.

William could see better, as his eyes were opening more but was still swollen and stinged.

"Dam this hurts"

Once the men were treated, she stepped to the window and saw a plume of smoke hover outside her door. "Well, looks like the last bit of fumes is dissipating. If you have to leave, use the back door, the front is covered with a vile, looking cloud of that stuff," she advised the men.

Carrying a bottle water, William gave a goodbye gesture, grabbed his Marksman Carbine and left out the back door. There was no fume smoke but when he turned, there was some in front of Cat's house and his house to. William decided to go through his bedroom window in the back, William opened the window door, holding his gear and the bottle in his hand going through the door, entering his bedroom. He then closed it. After that ordeal, he went downstairs to his basemant and to his personal terminal to update his log and maybe mess around with it to.
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:06 am

Jack Mulder -Noon
Captains Club

Jack could only see, if it's accurate to say he "saw" anything at all, whiteness and the whispering voice had returned, taunting him.

You are no drug runner..... Can't even keep your own merchandise... Tsk tsk tsk....

This time Jack heard something familiar in the voice, and a more sinister tone. Then he felt something burning in his throat, but didn't wake from his hallucination.

Oh, but the others try to help you! Despite your troublemaking..... You owe them..... and me.......

And with that, Jack slipped from a hallucination to his regular toilet stall nightmare, sleeping but not resting.
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Elle H
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Post » Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:17 am

Peter Van Heerden - Captains Club

"Rangers martini" he proclaimed accepting the payment for that too, he smiled "Theres a poker table downstairs as well as a Snooker table feel free to go down anytime" he smiled before pulling out a cloth and wiping down the tables.

Peter quickly gulped the entire drink down. He was now drunker than a NCR soldier in New Vegas after a party at the Tops Casino. Peter had been to the Vegas Strip, and the NCR soldiers always made a mess of the place.

"Sure, I'll, I'll go down theres when I'm ready," Peter slured.

It had been ages since he was this drunk. The last time he could remember being this drunk was down in Vegas after a party at the Tops Casino. He couldn't even remember that night, and he woke up in an alley in Freeside, thankfully intact. One of his friends, however, was not so lucky. He was shot in a confrontation with a local gang, and was hacked to death with an axe. Things were tense after that.

Peter left the Captain's Club and was now in the street, drunk out of his mind. The Vodkas he had, combined with that martini did wonders.
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