Nipton town hall

Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 8:01 am

So, after pre ordering, playing for a week, getting fed up with bugs.. and now JUST coming back to the game today cause I figured most of the issues would be fixed... I started a new game of Fallout New Vegas. I made it to Nipton. I offed the legionaires instead of letting them go, feeling that was the most karmic thing to do in the situation. I then went into the town hall, proceeded to clear it of dogs, bottom floor to top, then went to head out.. Now, if I try to leave the nipton town hall, it sits at the loading screen, flashing through tips and loading screens while the roulette wheel spins forever. The game is installed on my xbox HD, my disc is in pristine condition, is there anything to do to save my character or am I destined never to play this game? This is ridiculous.. nearly a year later, and I still can't play this game, almost feels like a waste of money, makes me REAL excited for skyrim. -_- Should I give up hope here? or is there a fix I am missing?
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phil walsh
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