That wasn't my intent.
What I'm trying to get at is that the metaphysics are the physics of the Aurbis. While you might not be able to apply the concepts of the real world physics you are familiar with, you can apply other concepts in a similar structured frame work as the real world physics. Quite appropriately for a fantasy world you'll find that these concepts often come from real world religions.
I wrote with the intent to extract certain physical relations from the lore about magicka and void. It's not very throughput but I reckon you'll at least be entertained by the idea of building a realm in Oblivion by applying magicka to create a sphere of possible existence. Now don't be confused by the technobabble, it's anologous to the way people brought material from earth into space to create a habitable environment.
Or the suggestion that because the combination of Magicka and Void creates possibility in Mundus, there should be an entire world on the border of Oblivion and Aetherius. It's this ability to predict and test based on observations made that makes something science.
If you climb into the deep heart of physics, you'll find the metaphysical. Einstein said, "We are all light beings." On the most basic level, nothing is more substantial than light, and science backs that up. Even fermions will lose their individuality and flow into the same space, just like bosons, at temperatures approaching Absolute Zero. What does that mean? Everything "solid" is comprised of fermions, including us. And what are all particles, the building blocks of "Reality"? Waves, nothing more. ("Waves of what?" Besides "force", who knows?

) Fermions are "solid" because of their "spins" (antisymmetric wave functions), waves swirling in such a way that they control an exclusive space.
"Magic" is a relative term, things we consider mundane would be considered "magical" to people from the Dark Ages. Discovering what's behind the curtain is comforting for some and deflating for others. Personally, I prefer my fantasy to stay that way.

While I love science, especially Theoretical Physics, I would never want science to replace wonder. However, it seems there's no danger of that happening since, at least where Physics is concerned, the trend is more-and-more toward the fantastical. Perhaps that's because the Reality that comprises the reality we take for granted is more unbelieveably strange than many of the wildest fantasies.

In a Multi-verse, why is there no room for a "little" universal bubble that has fragmented into smaller universes, such as those fleshed-out in Oblivion? When you're talking scientific theories, like Multi-verses, that are completely unproveable... (at least at our stage of scientific development)... where's the dividing line between science and fantasy?
**EDIT**I must add that your treatise, On Places Not Here, is
very esoteric! One would need to be so deep into the world of Oblivion they can't see out to really understand what you wrote.

Be well - Pax