Nix-Hound Replacer
This is a mesh and texture replacer for the Nix-Hound creature.
Modelled around the vanilla Nix-Hound mesh this has very similar proportions like the original model created by Bethesda. The hand-painted texture was created with the intention to fit the coloring and style of the original game. The reference (vanilla texture) left quite some room for interpretion - I am interested in any feedback about the realism and lorefriendlieness.
For the animations Pherim rigged the mesh to the original skeleton to make it use the original animations.
Not only is this a replacer for the original Morrowind game, but there also is a dedicated version for OpenMW. This OpenMW-version makes use of those texturing features that MW never supported, meaning a normal map plus a specular map. Those are not simply generated from the texture, but the high-poly sculpture I crafted in ZBrush (see the image on nexus if interested; 90% of the actual texture were also modelled).
Note that at the moment only the sun and moon cause specular reflections in OpenMW! So no shinyness in interiors for now.
This replacer is not perfect at the moment, the creation was a learning experience. There are minor UV mapping issues, the texture space is used wastefully, some edge loops could be improved, the vanilla skeleton and animations are a bit dated and cause some deformations. At some point we intent to improve on this but it will take a while or maybe never happen, as other creatures wait to be redone
Still the texture, even tough wasting some space, is reasonably sized at 1024x1024 and the model with 3.900 polies also should be ok optimized.