Date: October 23, 2077. Location: Town in a valley in Idaho
In an open jeep and two heavy anti aircraft tucks, the soldiers of S (Spotter) Battery’s Gun Section Seven followed a steep twisting road with drifting fog toward a valley with Noah’s Ark Vault.
Gusting winds shook the canvas sides of the labouring trucks and swept in erratic spirals around the sergeant driving the support jeep and the corporal scanning the bright blue sky for enemy aircraft.
A large town appeared blurred in the fog the Vault shown itself in the distance the paranoid people where lined up waiting to get inside others where enjoying there Saturday evening. Sergeant Miguel Dock raised a hand and Corporal Smits in the lead truck acknowledged the gesture with his horn, the single beeping noise lost almost instantly in the cold wind. The A.A convoy stopped on a small ledge near a tangled mass of brush that stopped the wind, their mission was to watch for any Canadian Aircraft sneaking into the area. Smits swung his truck around into another pasture giving all the Cannons a full field of fire. The sergeant set up an Arial scanning device while everyone else listened for the roar of a jet engine ignoring the hustle and bustle of cars in the town.
Later the Sergeant reported that contact with D.C was lost and we need to immediately report to the nearest military instillation. The alarm in the town sounded off but no body seemed to care. The small convoy packed up with haste and was headed to Pat Recon Base 4 miles at the on the other side of town. Docker who was Smits best friend was sitting in the spotter seat or what others call it (Shotgun) picked up his Binoculars to scan the sky. A black figure was circling the town as jet engines filled the sky with a roar then two jets shot across the town at mock 2, the Navigation system quickly identified them as Chinese spec ops fighters.
The Sergeant screamed to step the speed up then an armada of Chinas new jet bomber built for speed and heavy bombing or nukes appeared. They where targeting the Vault and town, the Vault thought Smit in his head. The truck veered off the road followed by the other the sergeant screamed over the radio a fighter then came after him and blasted the sergeant full of holes. They slammed the brakes at the Vault entrance and ran into the cave, the door was shutting. Smits and Docker sprinted with speed down the cave past other families bailing through just when the door rolled into place. Screams of Families echoed outside the door begging to be let in. Another soldier was weeping on the ground.
This vault was not a vault made for saving humans, but the animals of North America. what will happen in the Vault is a mystery to be uncovered. Mystery lays behind secrets this Vault will have many twist and turns to keep that player interested, Anything can happen if the players agree. Like all vaults none where made to save Man kind but to test on them......will you be a victim you dicide?
1: Im OverSeer (I'm the Boss)
2: No arguing
3: If there is an issue go onto OOC Topic
3: No controlling other Rp players (need permission)
4: Obbey Vault rules (ask if not)
5: Obbey all rules

6: Any late joiners are allowed In
7: The nukes will drop when I choose them too
8: Pet Dogs and Cats may be allowed to be with you Rp Character
9: Relationships allowed
How to join this Rp: (Short and Brief)
six: Male/Female
How you made it to Noah's Vault:
What was your past life job:
What do you want to do for a job in the Vault:
Name: Dan Denwich
Age: 42
Race: Caucasian
six: Male
Vault Job: OverSeer
Pre-Life Job: Vault tech scientist
Appearance: Rough Beard, blue eyes
Family/Friends: Everyone close to him is dead
Personality: Smug, lies, evil lies behind his eyes. Runs a strick Vault.
People in Rp:
Arrow Slayer (Name:Smits Vectov)
Arrow Slayer (Name:Dan Denwich)
Galen (Name:Nariko Hoshi)
icouldntthinkofaname (Name: John Kennedy)
Your mom=My brother (Name:John Marlowe)
Imperator Augustus (Name:Joachim Lacroix)
reidster338 (Name:Ares Warren)
Yttrium (Reserved)
DarkZerker (Name: Michael Young)(Alias: Test Subject: #42)