I've glanced at this topic a few times. I really don't remember its contents whenever I see the topic's title. I just want to go, "Argh! There are many who appreciate it here!". Then I open this, and I see it being a just another Morrowind appreciation thread, but with some flavor of its own. Let's comment on some things said here.
- *ahem, Skyrim comparison* I think, in Morrowind, there's this feeling of peace. There's no hurry anywhere. If there was, there would be a quick jogging pace and a sprint button. I think the slowness of the game, which often is left unmentioned, is as big a part of its immersion as its lorical and (micro and macro)political (if you will) deepness. You CAN'T explore the world in 40 hours because you won't be FAST enough for it!

And there is no fourth wall-breaking fast travel as a game mechanic. And seriously, after my seven-ish years into it, there still seems to be something new to see in Morrowind. Some new dungeons, some new quests even! Or at least some minor detections, be they hidden items, new topics or a tone in which an NPC said something that you didn't thought about before. Or anything really. I haven't really even finished at least the Imperial Legion or Fighters Guild or House Hlaalu even... nor done all the vampire clans... nor joined the Twin Lamps (I think a bug is preventing me :I). There's just so much to do here, and it's not like you feel you should be QUESTING all the time. Just plain exploring and living and breathing the world can be rewarding! (And unpredictable; you might stumble upon a quest item, but you might never know it, etc.)
- I don't feel modding Morrowind is what keeps it alive, as can be implied (and even... explied?) from many posts here. There are us on PC who generally don't use many mods. I for one basically just use some fixes and catchy updates done to mechanics, but that's about it. Not that many new content mods as I still haven't explored the whole Vvardenfell! I think the game manages to keep itself alive even without the impressive modding community. Just look at all the console players, too! That is, I still keep on caring about Morrowind even if the modding community ceased to exist this very second! The game wouldn't outright "grow old" on me. Maybe I don't have nearly as high standards as other players; I'm "already" 23 (but I actually feel young here sometimes!) and grew up gaming with things like Commodore 64, (S)NES and early Windowses, so I guess I'm used to "bad graphics" and such. And I generally like some old technology from the time things didn't break (according to plan, I might add, so that the customer has to buy a new one), and from the time games sold with their content and challenge, not fast action movie-likeness and "smoothness". Morrowind for me is something like the ultimate fusion of old and new games: deep, challenging, big world; yet looks very good (at least to everyone in 2002, still for me) and has a moderate gameplay. Apart from those, it still feels like something more. More personal than your average game world. I think Morrowind, at least the patched GotY, is perfectly fine even without mods!
- I liked the comment about "more mature" Elderscrollers lurking in these forums. I see that's simply because the game itself is older, but might also be "more mature" an Elder Scrolls game in itself. (I'd like to use a more neutral word than mature; I don't mean to judge anyone, or just anyone's playing style, here, but I can't really think of any other word for it. Hope it'll do!) And of course we tend to be older than players starting out with a 2011 game, doh! Plus I guess there are also pure nostalgic players out there. Aaaand maybe nostalgia is a big part of the more veteran players' play, whether they admit, or even notice, it or not!

Bah! It seems I really can't come up with anything else than Morrowind Appreciation really.

I'm O.D.'d on Skyrim at the moment, though... There was a little break but now that I've gotten a mage going, I've been totally into it for three weeks or so! Haven't actually that much PLAYED Morrowind at all... I just have praised it on forums as usual!