I started playing Skyrim recently without fast travel, primarily because Bethesda added a lot of cool things that can happen while walking on the road, ...
I rarely use fast travel in Skyrim either ; I find that Skirim is a lot less boring to travel that was Morrowind. I remember falling asleep on my keyboard while travelling to some place in Morrowind...

40 hours is plenty of time to beat the main quest, and finish most major side quests. At around 80 hours I felt like I had seen just about everything there was to see in Skyrim, I kept on for maybe 15 more hours of radiant questing and exploring, and put it back on the shelf.
I don't think Skyrim (or Oblivion for that matter) has nearly as much content as Morrowind had, most of Skyrim's locations feel recycled, and there isn't much political intrigue beyond a few scripted quests. Although Morrowind's combat was pretty bland, Skyrim's combat isn't much better. Bethesda tried to make combat more interesting, but it's still clunky as ever, and there's no proper way to dodge or parry.
You're right man, it was all a dream. I need to see a doctor.
What I meant was I had beaten the main quest and civil war line after 40 hours of play. I've actually dumped about 85 hours into it to justify shelling out 60 dollars, but now I am back on Morrowind.
Criticising is so easy, isn't it? You should buy yourselves games that have actually only 30 hours of gaming, like Deus ex: human revolution for example, which is a pretty good game but once you've finished the "main quest" it's over, you can do nothing more in it. The TES games are the Rolls of the games, and I mean it.