Assuming you did install the OBSE plugy that was in the zip file and that you are using obse 18 and installed the mesh file that was in the zip and installed the new COMBAT ARCHERY rev with the new INI file IF you are using that mod and you load this beta last (just for testing):
Wait for 10 seconds for the quest script to initialize.
You must be level 75 or greater marksman skill.
(should I take this OUT for beta only?)You must have more than 1 arrow EQUIPPED!
You must first press AND hold the activate button (the one used to open crates and talk to people).
Fire the bow while still holding the activate button.
You will go into slow motion.
Move your cross hair onto your 2nd target, the target must be activate like a door or an NPC.
Let go of the activator button.
You should go back into normal time. If you get stuck in bullet time for some reason just go into a menu, this always returns you to normal time in all my mods.
Otherwise do not do this manually, rather just try the auto load feature.
You must be level 75 or greater marksman skill. (should I take this OUT for beta only?)
You must have more than 1 arrow EQUIPPED.
Go into your inventory and press the bow double load icon once.
Then just fight as normal, your bow will do the rest.
Each arrow SET shot one arrow will try to hit any ACTOR (only actors) that are in combat with you.
Also, you do not need to be level 75 or greater to just fire 2 arrows, the second will just veer off at about 6 degrees.
Thanks for giving this some testing.
Any mod that overwrites the vanilla magic effect “Extra Summon 20” (effect code Z020) will be incompatible with this mod. The incompatibility could either be that your 2nd arrow will fly thru buildings as if the building was not there and then disappear from the game world (the arrow not the building). Or worse case you will see a magical fire and/or light stuck to your 2nd arrow (as if you shot a flaming arrow.) Load this mod AFTER the incompatible mod to correct this. But No mod should be changing the nif of that magic effect anyway unless they are doing the same thing I am doing (giving it collision). If they give it collision with out giving it any visual effects then it will not be incompatible with this mod.
Problems I had:
*When fighting an enemy, there was no slow feature. Nothing happened when I hit the activator key or released the bow. Maybe I had the keys wrong.
*Only one arrow is removed from my inventory, and only same arrows are displayed. It's like only one is firing.