Now, please do not get too excited, this trick is not as devastating to your opponents as you might think. The power from the bow is split (very inefficiently) into the two arrows so each arrow does much LESS damage than if you only fired one arrow. And your accuracy suffers! The only advantage of doing this trick (this is a real life archery trick shot by the way) is to try to hit more than one target at the same time.
So far my research tells me I will not be able to show two arrows loaded on the bow at the same time. Once you fire your arrow you will see two arrows flying out and drifting away from each other.
The only "practical" way to show two arrows on the bow is to only allow the player to do this with a certain type of arrow. I do not want to do this.
This will not be an upgrade to my Combat Archery mod. It will be its own mod at least for the foreseeable future.
The type of scripting involved in this will be new (difficult?) for me and I want to keep it as a separate mod until all the bugs have been worked out. Even then it may still be a separate mod as I am not sure how many players will actually use this feature. It will require a higher marksman skill level and unique set of circumstances for it to be worth attempting it in combat. As such it may turn out to be one of those things players try once, think it cool and then never use again.
I dislike esoteric key combos and avoid them when ever possible.
In my mods I always try to find player actions to trigger game mechanics not hot keys or arbitrary key combos! For example to denock and arrow in my Combat Archery mod you aim the bow straight down at the ground. No key press is done.
Intuitive games of the future will all be like that as this minimizes the learning curve and encourages more types of people to play such games.
However for this double arrow nock mod I am having trouble coming up with a good action trigger. So instead I may use another game mechanic idea I have been wanting to try out for a long time.
Ideally I would like to see icons surrounding the parameter of the screen that you can quickly click to do complicated actions. It would be best if they were invisible until you move your mouse to the edge of the screen (but that may be too much to try to do in this mod I think.) Sometimes the action in the game would go into slow motion to give player more time to do this. The better the players stats the slower time would move or the more slow mo time they would have for these brief periodic action triggers.
I will try first to find a way to allow the player to "click" on the bow icon at the bottom of the screen to toggle the bow double shot on and off. If possible I will change the icon to show two arrows on the bow.
This is in an area of scripting I have not done before so I am more than a little apprehensive. But this means I will learn something new as well.
Any help anyone can give me on this will be greatly appreciated. Such as scripts for detecting that the player has clicked on the screen at the weapon hud location.
I will place an object in inventory that will do the same thing for players that do not have any hud elements in their game. Or if I cannot get the hud click toggle idea to work.
This allows slow twitch players to mentally catch up in the heat of combat. I would prefer to do this kind of thing only as part of the strategy time in-between attacks so as not to interrupt the action of the attack. I dislike the VATS system in FO3 for example. They should have made this a slow motion event not a time stop event.
I would like to make the toggle time of this double arrow nock feature a slow motion event (with a clickable hud element) as well but until I can put clickable icons on the hud I may just have to make do with the inventory system toggles.
Here are the limitations of the mod as I can foresee now:
The second arrow will have a slightly different damage potential as it will need to be
calculated in a script.
My formula will be simple using the bows damage number plus the arrows damage number multiplied by the players marksman skill modified by the players fatigue then reduced by the targets armor AC.
If someone wants to contribute a more complicated formal I will use it as long as it is working, complete and ready to plug into the mod.
I will duplicate any arrow enchantments of the first arrow onto the second arrow. But bow poisons and enchantments will only be on the first arrow.
I am open to working with another modder on this mod and would not consider it "my mod" rather a collaboration if anyone whats to help script this mod. I would only insist on not using hot keys or dedicated buttons for this and would like to use my game mode "clickable Hud element" idea as I described above.