Fable and the lost chapters failed when it came to combat because you were invincible, as soon as you got your hands on a bunch of apples and fish you just hot-keyed them and charged head first into battle spamming the hot-keys without a care in the world. Now that like with Fable, you will be able to carry infinite food that restores your health and will most likely be cheap and usable in an instant, we will have the same problem. Or will we ?
How do you think Bethesda intends to address this ? Will there be a cool-down on food ? Will you have a limited carrying capacity for food ? Will you not be able to hot-key food ? Will food be rare ? (I wouldn′t like that much because if they are aiming for a realistic economy and society then if there is enough food for thousands of people then there is enough food for a single person to gorge on without running out of it).
Maybe more importantly, how do you want Bethesda to handle this ? I myself think food should only restore fatigue and I′m pretty much against it restoring health. I don′t want combat becoming a trivial mini-game with no thought behind it like in Fable 1, just because Bethesda decided to make food overpowered.
Discuss, and if anyone has any information on this, please do share it.