On another note, being able to conceive kids, (if u r a male with female wife) would be really nice. Though I know it would be weird for me to be an orc with a nord or dunmer kid xD
maybe Bethesda wanted to know peoples oppinions on kids to know whether to remove them in the next game or make different races of kids.
Having a kid in TES would be impossible. How would they grow up? NPCs don't get older.
Funny how redguard kids are white. Like Braith, she should be brown-skinned.
Beth failed hard with the kids in Skyrim. They all look like each other and everyone's white. I mean, Nords should generally be white, yes, but Imperials have a bit darker skin, don't they? And redguards of course have dark skin. For PC users there are mods to fix this, though.
Frostbite spiders come to mind. Though I think the little ones are supposed to be advlts too, they have egg sacks, I usually look at them as younger spiders to the Giant Frostbites.
I'd prefer they didn't go far into that side of the game TBH. There comes a point when it's moving into 'The Sims' or 'Fable' territory. And they aren't pooling they're resources into making the followers, stories etc.. more meaningful & better.
I don't think it's a case of testing the water with adding children, as there is no reason at all not to add all child races. As adding them would please the people who play as that race. It just comes down to them adding a feature, and not expanding on it. Something where the great modding community come in & do they're job for them.
I would laugh my ass off watching a tiny lizard trying to pick a fight with a tiny dunmer, lol.
Need I remind you, remarks about nonessential children get topics closed. Shut up about it, before the mods do it for you.
EDIT: Never mind. The mods did it for you.
My thoughts on the subject...
Nord, Imperial, and Breton kids: All fine. The races are similar enough. I do wish they'd had multiple faces/voices, though.
Redguards: Whitebread. How did a black woman and a middle-eastern man produce a Nordish kid like Braith? Honorhall, maybe?
Khajiit: the only Khajiit in Skyrim are with the caravans, so they can justify a lack of Khajiit younglings. But it's still too bad, since the Ma'isha mod showed us how cute Khajiit kids could be.
Argonian: It's possible that Argonian kids, given their reptilian nature, cannot survive in Skyrim's cold. One wonders how the advlts do. Still, this should have been established in lore.
Dunmer: The lack of Dunmer kids in Skyrim is stupid. The lack of them in Solstheim (Morrowind) is inexcusable.
Altmer: Altmer in Skyrim are uncommon, and they seem to be scattered about, aside from the embassy. It's also likely that Altmer childhoods are proportionally shorter compared to their overall lifespan, and that they're less fertile. So it's at least understandable that there are no Altmer kids.
Bosmer: The least common race in Skyrim, I think, though there is a surprising concentration of them in Riften (7, out of 80 or so residents).
Orcs: Again, given that orcs live in communities in Skyrim and regularly marry, and they have lifespans comparable to humans, there should have been little orcs scampering about. It makes no sense that there weren't.
Yes, she's the daughter of Amren and Saffir. Saffir's birthed daughter.
Huh I never really paid much attention to the kids most of them are really annoying. I just assumed all the kids in skyrim where supposed to be Nords.
Most are. There are some Imperials and some redhuards. Some bretons too I think.
I think it was about 40 Nords, and two or three each of Bretons, Imperials, and so-called Redguards.
Hearthfire actually added one of each. Lucia was an Imperial, Sofie a Nord, Blaise a Breton, and Alesan a Redguard (who didn't look like one).
If you ever played Fallout 3, there were several black kids in Little Lamplight (Biwwy, Penny, Joseph) who were extremely well-rendered. I totally fail to see why the makers of Skyrim could not do the same.
The PC does get this: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25654/?
I know that Skyrim doesn't have the best in kids, or followers, or spouses ... but seriously prior to Skyrim there were basically none, so I'll take what they can give me. And, of course being a PC player I can have anything I want anyway.
Lol, she looks adorable!
I agree with you. I can have what I want anyway.