am i? its been awhile since i sided with the rebels..
am i? its been awhile since i sided with the rebels..
Ulfric doesn't care what race you are. Galmar only refers to your race or calls you foreigner if you are a Nord in order to question why you want to join the Stormcloaks
How can it be about Tiber Septim rather than TLDB if the song focuses a lot on the prophecised battle against Alduin?
You don't need any of these things to justify not being a Nord. It can easily be explained within the normal timeline. There is no person or book explicitly stating that you're a Nord, so not being one is not a problem.
If there was a canon Dovahkiin, a human would make more sense than a mer, with emphasis on a Nord. But there's no canon and hopefully never will be, so we don't have to choose the one that's most fitting and disregard all other options.
your thinking of "Tale of the Tongues".
Tale of the Tongues refers to Alduin, and it is not written until they main quest is completed.
Dragonborn comes just refers to a dragonborn
Dragonborn Comes:
Tale of the Tongues:
What race my Dovahkiin appears to be is relatively unimportant. Most of the time they begin to identify themselves more and more as among the Dov and less with the Joor.
He's not. He's talking about the untitled song that appeared in the trailer and later an in-game book. Tale of the Tongues tells the story of the first battle with Alduin and doesn't refer to any Dragonborn at all.
I'm sorry I overlooked this. You're wrong. You're applying our rules to Nirn. On Nirn, belief and mythopoeia mean EVERYTHING. Aedra literally die if faith in them wanes. Why do you think it's so important for the Thalmor to outlaw Talos worship? Talos is solidifying creation. If man's belief in Talos ceases to exist reality weakens and eventually man ceases to exist. Then they can revert back to the time before the Time Dragon manifested.
Mer, whatever their personal creed, do not believe in Dragonborn.
It is neither of those. I was referring to the main theme.
"And the Scrolls have foretold, of black wings in the cold
That when brothers wage war come unfurled!
Alduin, Bane of Kings, ancient shadow unbound
With a hunger to swallow the world!
But a day, shall arise, when the dark dragon's lies
Will be silenced forever and then!
Fair Skyrim will be free from foul Alduin's maw (...)"
It's about the Last Dragonborn, not Tiber Septim.
What's the source on Aedra dying if faith in them wanes.
You should ask in the lore forums for more details since this is common TES knowledge.
Okay, I keep forgetting about mythopoeia. I still don't see how it excludes mer from being Dragonborn. I agree that they definitely wouldn't be the first (or even second) choice, but the premise that they can't believe in Dragonborn (or Akatosh)? I don't get it. Why can't they? Is race the only defining factor of who you are and what you believe in? If this is the case, then frankly, it svcks.
Yes, this part refers to the Last Dragonborn. Note how it doesn't say anything about him being a human.
IIRC it's in conversation with Vivec but there are texts out there. As was said, lore forums.
It isn't that they don't believe in Akatosh. It's that they believe in Auri-El and he was separated from Akatosh in the First Era. It's an almost similar situation with Alduin.
There are exceptions, but it's not outright worship. Dunmer don't view Lorkhan as an antagonist but a test. Redguards view Sep with disdain.
But fundamentally yes. Belief is what set Men and Mer apart. Mer want to go back, men want to move forward.
Personally does not feel strange to me its up to akatosh who is dragonborn not some legend.
You're still talking about societies. I'm talking about individuals. Take a baby away from his culture, teach it different ways, will it worship its ancestors' gods when it grows up? Or a man who for some reason hates his homeland and his people? Is it imprinted in them or do they have a choice? Are they all the same? "Altmer believe in Auri-El" - and that's that? Because it sounds like the worst kind of fictional universe ever.
"Who was kin to both wyrm, and the races of man, with a power to rival the sun!"
Did you even read my first post? "Hearken now, sons of snow, to an age long ago" - think about it.
I'm tired. Good night all.
I haven't seen any. Not that there aren't any. But I find it hard to picture an Altmer or Bosmer embracing Nordic legend especially when they're so culturally so counter-intuitive. It's kind of like sticking a block into a circle.
Njordr. Song of the Dragonborn is about Shor/Shezarr/Lorkhan and his first battle with Alduin at the beginning of time. We basically get to play the tail end of that battle.
A khajit dragonborn who saves Tamriel... no, just no.
I don't like being the guy that asks for source, but where was it said that anyone's ever fought against Alduin before his return in the fourth era?
Except that none of the Nords is "kin to wyrm" (dragons). The line refers to TLDB.