Exactly why I dislike both the Nerevarine and Last Dragonborn.
Oblivion did it right IMO.
Exactly why I dislike both the Nerevarine and Last Dragonborn.
Oblivion did it right IMO.
That's like... Pay attention to Paarthurnax. Basically Alduin is the reboot button of the gods. And time is cyclical. When it gets too unstable Alduin eats it and it's reborn. At the beginning/end of every kalpa Shor fights Alduin. This time he lost so the present kalpa goes on existing. It's why apparently we play as the "Last" Dragonborn. We broke a very old cycle. Go http://www.imperial-library.info/ if you want sources.
It was more like Alduin was breaking the cycle by trying to end the world at the wrong time. Then Akatosh blessed someone with the dragon blood to fix that.
Nah Alduin went rogue. Akatosh sent him to reset the kalpa business as usual. Instead Alduin tried to rule the world. The Nords sent him forward in time. Between all that time Akatosh went crazy and changed his mind and decided he liked the current kalpa. Alduin jumps out of his de lorean in the Fourth Era and goes back to trying to rule the world. It's only when the LDB kicks his ass on Snow Throat that he begins to take his World-Eating duties seriously. By then it's too late.
I don't find it odd, mostly because no matter who you are, chances are you'll want to stop the end of the world if you're the only one who can. Doesn't matter whether you're Nord or Argonian. Well, unless you're okay with the whole death and rebirth thing, but then again it depends on the individual.
Maybe some people are too close minded or I'm just weird, but a Khajiit Enchantress Dragonborn seems just as likely (and badass) as a traditional Nord Dragonborn to me and not at all silly. Actually, I'd see her as more of a badass given the immense destruction she might be capable of with both magic and the Voice.
Besides, I thought we'd all be a little skeptical of the accuracy of "prophecies" in this series.
If it's any Consolation, I play as an Imperial Dovahkiin
Hah.... I like contradicting people.
I for one am a Fan of the Unlikely Hero, screw all you Nords and your expectations
Hssst! This one hopes you choke on a hairball!
My Neravarine was a Khajiit woman. svck ON IT, DUNMERS!!
It always feels weird to me. Imperials and Nords are the only ones that kind of feel right. Breton too, maybe.
My Dovahkiin is a Breton female. It just feels right for me to have her be the one to save Tamriel this time around.
Probably wouldn't be Nerevar's first choice for reincarnation if he could have chosen.
I'll admit that playing as a non-Nord in Skyrim once we get to the Dragonborn sections always makes me feel a little... off. Which is unfortunate, because I'm more or less motivated entirely by the stories for individual characters that I start to create prior to the character creation screen, and I always seem to come up with one for a race other than Nord.
Having a High Elf mage-thief be the fabled Nordic hero, for example. Just doesn't seem right, even if the elf voice for Shouts sounds so much more badass than the human ones.
While I don't think it's wrong to be another race, I certainly feel more comfortable being a Nord. I only have one other character who is specifically a non-Nord Dragonborn, and it's an Imperial.
I've always played as an Argonian, and I don't think it's weird to have an Argonian dragonborn, especially since they kinda look like dragons themselves. A Nordic Dovahkiin works for propaganda purposes (The Dragonborn pretty much being the Nordic messiah), but I haven't really come across anything in the game that outright says that the Last Dragonborn is totally a Nord.
And isn't the song Dragonborn a prayer to the Dovahkiin? "...for your blessing we pray!" Usually prayers are done by people who've just heard lore and stories, never met the actual person. Again, propaganda would easily make the assumption that the Dovahkiin is a nord, since the entity is basically a Nordic messiah.
Please... my Nerevarine was a dragon, hence my username!
My Nerevarine was Tamriel's most accomplished Orc, back in the heyday of 2002 when I didn't torment myself with "But it doesn't make sense for X race to do Y" and could just enjoy the gorram game.
make it fit the race. My altmer loves being greedy with power