Non-Physics Animations via Havok

Post » Tue Nov 03, 2015 4:40 am

Using the Vaermina statue door used in Nightcaller Temple as an inspiration, I've successfully added a piece to a mesh that can be faded in and out via script. The mesh has a Controller Manager and multiple Controller Sequences, but the linkage to these is done via a Havok Behavior Graph, even though the animations aren't physics-related. The names on the controllers aren't the ones used in the PlayAnimationAndWait function calls, so the graph content obviously maps one set to the other. I haven't used the command-line tool to examine the XML, just reasoned from the results in-game. Using the same BGED copied from the statue gives me the group names and sequence plays I need for the two animations. (It's called GenericBehaviors\IdleAnimIdleBack.hkx or similar, so I expected it to work generically!)

However, the Behavior Graph Extension that allows this provides only two animation groups "playAnim01" and "playAnim02" that I've used up already. I'd like to add another section independently behaving the same way, so I need an hkx that has two pairs of groups that connect to non-physics sequences. Are there any known ones, or does anyone have a tool to build them?

I assume I could take a step backward and invoke the controller sequences directly using PlayGambryoAnimation, but I like the Wait option, and I have no idea if both methods are allowed on the same mesh - or what the BSX flags would need to be.

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Kelsey Anna Farley
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