A NON Raging thread, for those who like Crytek and Crysis 2.

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:34 am

I feel no need to create such a thread, nor did I give any such impression that I wanted to. I simply find it interesting that, according to you, this thread was created with the idea of simply chatting, but you yourself start it of with some of those same snide comments seemingly designed to irritate those of us who are disappointed.

My comments were not designed to irritate people, I was merle saying those things, so people wouldn't go on about them in the thread to me about, sorry if it seems like that was my intention, it was not.

Without pointing the finger of accusation at you, indeed those who claim to "Like Crytek and Crysis 2" have posted the most vile things I've seen in this forum. Also, for the record, if I wanted to have a go at you and your new buds I would, and there's nothing you could do about it. This is a public forum, remember? Having said that, I'm more than willing to "chat" about the better points of of C2. But understand, hypocrisy irritates me. If for instance, DX11 doesn't matter to you, show a bit of respect to those people it does matter to. I think you'll find yourself better received under those circumstances.

Completely disagree with the beginning of that, some of stuff I have seen people post up is disgusting, plus, someone recently told me he wanted me to be lob-sized by a chainsaw lol. And I haven't shown any disrespect to people about wanting DX11, part from my OP, im pretty sure I haven't mentioned it, if people want DX 11 badly, good for them, but I was just saying I didn't care.

I don't recall saying that I'm angry. You're assuming. If you truly want this thread to be cordial, which I believe you do, minimize supercilious comments. I think this is a fair request if peaceful coexistence is important.

If you haven't seen, a number of times I have told people to ignore comments and just get along, although not really worked. And yes, tis a fair request, I respect your statement.
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remi lasisi
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:35 am

everything works for me too, the only problems that are really noticable are hackers but theres nothing that can be done about that, alot of the other people are raging that "Crysis 2 broke my system" or "i get kicked from online because they didnt read the requirements for the game or they pirated it, yes it would look a tad beter with DX 11 but again not a big problem so keep up the good work Crytek =D
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matt oneil
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:05 am

LOve SP. got a few Bugs. but well done... MP, So much great fun. then Disconnect... or Crash... or Cheaters.. No problems at my end. 480sli p67 self built. build rigs for living. reformat. Could be an epic game Only if i could pLay..... I ask for a cheese Burger. and only got the cheese..
I ask wheres the rest, They said it coming 1.2 Still only got cheese...
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CArla HOlbert
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:44 pm

Without pointing the finger of accusation at you, indeed those who claim to "Like Crytek and Crysis 2" have posted the most vile things I've seen in this forum. Also, for the record, if I wanted to have a go at you and your new buds I would, and there's nothing you could do about it. This is a public forum, remember? Having said that, I'm more than willing to "chat" about the better points of of C2. But understand, hypocrisy irritates me. If for instance, DX11 doesn't matter to you, show a bit of respect to those people it does matter to. I think you'll find yourself better received under those circumstances.

Completely disagree with the beginning of that, some of stuff I have seen people post up is disgusting, plus, someone recently told me he wanted me to be lob-sized by a chainsaw lol. And I haven't shown any disrespect to people about wanting DX11, part from my OP, im pretty sure I haven't mentioned it, if people want DX 11 badly, good for them, but I was just saying I didn't care.

LOL, I love a good chainsaw! Perhaps it's a matter of perception, but I know what I've read, and it's usually prefaced by a Crytek fan telling someone that they don't have the right to think the way they do, or want what they want. You're obviously a sophisticated guy. As such why would you not know that many of your fellow gamers simply don't need to know what you do or don't care about, and by voicing your lack of concern you denigrate theirs. Reread your comments in the OP HC, and tell me if viewed from perspective you wouldn't feel patronized.

I don't recall saying that I'm angry. You're assuming. If you truly want this thread to be cordial, which I believe you do, minimize supercilious comments. I think this is a fair request if peaceful coexistence is important.

If you haven't seen, a number of times I have told people to ignore comments and just get along, although not really worked. And yes, tis a fair request, I respect your statement.

Then well met! Let's set an example, you and I:

I've played maybe twelve rounds of MP today, and it was a blast! Not a cheater in sight, if you go by kill cam's. I really like the vertical nature of combat in this game. Having been around for the birth of PC gaming (I'm 53 and fell in love with computers in 1966 while watching the 1st episode of Star Trek) it truly amazes me how far things have come.
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patricia kris
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:31 am

Having been around for the birth of PC gaming (I'm 53 and fell in love with computers in 1966 while watching the 1st episode of Star Trek) it truly amazes me how far things have come.
A Trek fan eh!? And yea it amazes me too sometimes. The games I had on my C64, in the days when developers used to cram so much fun into 64K lol.
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Joey Avelar
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:24 am

Back from the gymzorz!

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Jonathan Windmon
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:41 am

i love crysis 2, the campaign is a masterpiece, with a lot of replay value

the MP is also fantastic, although the hackers problems during the last weeks have made it dull but, with the new patches, hackers a very rare now, i only wished that the nanosuits had more health, so you could even react when they attack you.

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Jamie Lee
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:03 pm

Finally! A thread with some positivity...

I'm on my second play through and loving it still.. Sure there are bugz but give the dev's a chance to at least address them.

I'm sorry to hear there are still users with problems and I guess if I was one of them I would be frustrated as hell, especially when others are saying what a good game it is..

Let's hope the next patch arrives swiftly for everyone.
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Calum Campbell
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:26 pm

This thread makes me happy to know I'm playing with like-minded individuals. It's sad to see so much of this forum be flooded with brain diarrhea and accusatory fingers being shoved up Crytek's ass. Without any knowledge of how the business world works, without any knowledge of how the programming world works, or most importantly how the REAL world works. It's just sad.
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Darlene DIllow
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:31 am

This thread makes me happy to know I'm playing with like-minded individuals. It's sad to see so much of this forum be flooded with brain diarrhea and accusatory fingers being shoved up Crytek's ass. Without any knowledge of how the business world works, without any knowledge of how the programming world works, or most importantly how the REAL world works. It's just sad.

I like this game.
There is issues that needs to be fixed, and I think Crytec group is making all effort to those issues.

Its hard to get any voice for real development proposals, when threads are full with trolling aboud DX11 and so on.
Maybe Crytec team has seen that ppl wants DX11.

Also it would be nice to see, that someone hacks spoiling hacks. There would be also some credit :D.
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brenden casey
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:56 am

If there were no whine/rage/rant posts then you would be still playing version 1.0........... and thinking how awesum gaem it is!!11

this new era of fail game engine programming and releaseing unfinished products is seriously good stuff man...

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Siobhan Thompson
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:20 am

A NON Raging thread, for those who like Crytek and Crysis 2.

I can't post here because I have Retard Rage!
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Yung Prince
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:41 am

The campaign and how beautiful they showcased New York was breathtaking. What I really liked was the progression and what happens with you and the suit. This nanosuit is really sixy and I definitely would want one. :D

I don't care what DirectX version it is, I had a blast playing it and I will plunge in there again, which is something I usually don't do.

I really have fun with the multiplayer too, but the hacking and cheating, which is so overly common these days (it seems to be installed by default in eastern Europe), isn't my cup of tea as are the immature people doing it. Apart from that I really love how feature rich the game is and Crytek put a lot of detail and thought into it. Not everything may have worked out as they planned technically, thats for sure, but they have a good history of releasing patches so have a little faith in them.

Having a non-rage thread is a nice start. Constructive ideas always work best.
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Annika Marziniak
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:58 pm

I preffer the general gameplay in Crysis2 SP, the environment needs more depth and detail IMHO worthy of the tech demos shown in CE3.

I played Crysis Warhead not long before Crysis2 and I would personally say the level design is better in Crysis2 so far, and having fewer nano suit modes makes things more fluid e.g. being able to run fast or jump high without having to enter into speed or strength mode.

I think if Crytek can uplift the PC engine to 64bit with better shader support, then allow modders to polish up the models, textures and environment we will be in for something really special.
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Marcin Tomkow
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:10 pm

It weird and I don't understand it, yet I'm very pleased with my issue: till yesterday I always felt like other ppl only needed to shoot half a meter around me and still hit me. And they sometimes killed me with just two bullets. Since yesterday (the 05.04.11) I feel like they really need to shoot at me, my hit detection got way better and the ping shown really seems to represent my latency now. Great! Now some minor tweaks and I will buy every DLC, just to support this great developer =)
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Marcia Renton
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:56 am

I might be wrong, but I think they deploy server updates from time to time.
Server now don't fail to start anymore too (since the weekend at last).
So, yeah, there must be server updates that don't get publicated, which is good to hear.
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:54 pm

LOL, I love a good chainsaw! Perhaps it's a matter of perception, but I know what I've read, and it's usually prefaced by a Crytek fan telling someone that they don't have the right to think the way they do, or want what they want. You're obviously a sophisticated guy. As such why would you not know that many of your fellow gamers simply don't need to know what you do or don't care about, and by voicing your lack of concern you denigrate theirs. Reread your comments in the OP HC, and tell me if viewed from perspective you wouldn't feel patronized.

If you haven't seen, a number of times I have told people to ignore comments and just get along, although not really worked. And yes, tis a fair request, I respect your statement.

Then well met! Let's set an example, you and I:

I've played maybe twelve rounds of MP today, and it was a blast! Not a cheater in sight, if you go by kill cam's. I really like the vertical nature of combat in this game. Having been around for the birth of PC gaming (I'm 53 and fell in love with computers in 1966 while watching the 1st episode of Star Trek) it truly amazes me how far things have come.

Well I see your points, and point about the OP, but I guess it's hard to try and be neutral when stating an opinion.

However I would like to move away from this topic and move onto what you said last.

Good, glad to hear you are having fun with the game, I to also manage to play multiplayer with no cheaters most of the time. However for the time being I have seized with crysis 2, I fear I played it to death lol, need a break from the nano voice :P
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Jonathan Egan
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:23 am

A Trek fan eh!? And yea it amazes me too sometimes. The games I had on my C64, in the days when developers used to cram so much fun into 64K lol.

Oh yeah, every single episode and movie, I've seen them all multiple times. It's kind of sick. :) My first box was a Color Computer. That bad boy started with 2k that I exhausted the first day with BASIC. It had a freaking tape recorder for secondary storage! My PHONE has 48gig now. Yeah, we've come a LONG way.
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Wayne W
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:42 am

Lol what is the chance of this happening....

Playing single player, and I threw a grenade, but a helicopter flew past, my grenade hit the chopper, came back to me and yeah.....dead lol
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Rachel Cafferty
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:50 am

Lol that was bad luck. :)
I was almost killed playing Crash Site on MP the other day when I stood under the enemy ship waiting for the pod to drop and it fell on me. Good job I had my armour on lol.
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:45 pm

I love Crysis 2, seriously watch this video with subtle quality tool mod and then look back 2007 Crysis.. you can see the differences! the 2 games have their plus and their minus but I think Crysis 2 looks way better as of now http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkfZQrr4GbQ

and yes I know about the low resolution textures . Also, the Intro movie (showing the nanosuit powers) with that great music is EPIC as hell!
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Laura Tempel
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:07 am

Lol that was bad luck. :)
I was almost killed playing Crash Site on MP the other day when I stood under the enemy ship waiting for the pod to drop and it fell on me. Good job I had my armour on lol.

Lol that would of been MAXIMUM FAIL!! :P
I love Crysis 2, seriously watch this video with subtle quality tool mod and then look back 2007 Crysis.. you can see the differences! the 2 games have their plus and their minus but I think Crysis 2 looks way better as of now http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkfZQrr4GbQ

and yes I know about the low resolution textures . Also, the Intro movie (showing the nanosuit powers) with that great music is EPIC as hell!

Yeah agreed, and I think all of the "Nano suit" intros have been epic :), I want a suit :(
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Glu Glu
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:13 am

Great to see this thread still live and kicking!

I'm playing the SP to death but I'm always like this with a new game especially when it's of this calibre.

I'm 47 and have been playing computer games from their first inception and we have come a hell of a long way from the early days.
Despite the initial furore this game will/has become a classic and will eventually be held in the same esteem as it's precursor, Crysis.

I really hope users issues are dealt with very soon as I can only imagine the frustration of not being able to play this game properly (or at all)
Let me say though, the wait is definitely worth it IMO.....
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Natasha Biss
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 6:03 pm

Agreed. But I really like to see the game in DX11 :)
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:16 am

Sure but I do feel for Crytek sometimes as it seems Cevat at press launches gets a little carried away with himself and ends up promising the earth.
I rememberwhen Crysis was going to be released and at a press launch a few days prior Cevat stated the game would blow people away and that after eighteen months computer systems would have had a chance to at least catch up with the then insane requirements. He went on to say that Crytek would release a patch at around this time which would apparently unlock further graphical improvements which would once again require an insane computer to run it..

I'm afraid I have no link to support this statement but I'm pretty sure he said it (or something very much like it).
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