Yea excellent news. Although I want to see bugs fixed first lol
Yeah I suppose, but I think it's a smart move from the programming department, I mean finding and fixing one knows how long this can take, bits of code may even need to be re-written, and in a AAA title, that is **** loads of code, even with 50 odd programmers.
With Dx11, that is something they know how to do, and can get it out to us in not too much time.
From Crytek's point of view, it is there best sort of "please the crowd while we fix other stuff" device, they will be hoping form this update, that the community will be admiring the new DX11 grahpics, which will give Crytek a few days bug fixing so when people come back after DX11 patch asking where the other fixes and patches are, they might be able to say "here you go".
IMO that is their plan