A NON Raging thread, for those who like Crytek and Crysis 2.

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:30 am

Can A dev or mod just ban this guy and get rid of all these posts and threads he has started please.
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Catharine Krupinski
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:26 am

Completely agree mate lol, i thinking all the way through one night "Ok just this level then bed.........ahh thats interesting...might as well carry on to find out" :P

lol same here. Just do this level and definitely bed.... Ooh this looks great. Wow look at that! (shhssh the wife!) Ok just this bit and... 10 hours later.... Oh it's finished! :)
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:57 pm

Completely agree mate lol, i thinking all the way through one night "Ok just this level then bed.........ahh thats interesting...might as well carry on to find out" :P

lol same here. Just do this level and definitely bed.... Ooh this looks great. Wow look at that! (shhssh the wife!) Ok just this bit and... 10 hours later.... Oh it's finished! :)

Sign of a great game :)
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Kelly James
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:21 am

Don't fee the troll guys. They thrive on attention like a Gremlin multiplies by water.

Anyway, cool thread. I was a rager at first myself, and while I agree, THIS IS NO CRYSIS 1, or WARHEAD, after finishing the game on Post Human Warrior this weekend, I learned that the experience is AWESOME, and it was very unexpected.

The opening to the game for pc gamers was just a shock. Console style tutorials, and console style "limitations" in the graphics, and environment were just an insult to fans of the first game when you first started to play this game. Not to mention the leap from sandbox game to a more constrictive linear game.

HOWEVER, I changed my perspective of the game and told mysefl to just enjoy it for what it is, and not what I thought it should have been, and man was I surpised by this epic adventure. The game and the levels just get larger, and more "epic" as you progress, and the different power struggles between the Cell, and the Ceph you had to battle at various points was also cool.

I really enjoyed the game, and although I upgraded my pc to play this, when it really didn't need it, it still paid off cause Crysis 1, and Warhead are now very smooth at maxed out settings, and I can play games such as Metro 2033 as well.

I really like how Crytek is watching this forum and they are starting to patch the glitches. I just hope people give them enough time to work out the bugs cause the game is really a good one once people open up and give it a chance. I know I had to do that and I'm glad I did.
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Alba Casas
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:38 pm

Don't fee the troll guys. They thrive on attention like a Gremlin multiplies by water.

Anyway, cool thread. I was a rager at first myself, and while I agree, THIS IS NO CRYSIS 1, or WARHEAD, after finishing the game on Post Human Warrior this weekend, I learned that the experience is AWESOME, and it was very unexpected.

The opening to the game for pc gamers was just a shock. Console style tutorials, and console style "limitations" in the graphics, and environment were just an insult to fans of the first game when you first started to play this game. Not to mention the leap from sandbox game to a more constrictive linear game.

HOWEVER, I changed my perspective of the game and told mysefl to just enjoy it for what it is, and not what I thought it should have been, and man was I surpised by this epic adventure. The game and the levels just get larger, and more "epic" as you progress, and the different power struggles between the Cell, and the Ceph you had to battle at various points was also cool.

I really enjoyed the game, and although I upgraded my pc to play this, when it really didn't need it, it still paid off cause Crysis 1, and Warhead are now very smooth at maxed out settings, and I can play games such as Metro 2033 as well.

I really like how Crytek is watching this forum and they are starting to patch the glitches. I just hope people give them enough time to work out the bugs cause the game is really a good one once people open up and give it a chance. I know I had to do that and I'm glad I did.

Nice post man, glad you liked the game after all, hopefully this thread won't die out like so many have
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:46 am

truth is not hate, you so fall sort, and for some angry about the lies told, end.
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Stefanny Cardona
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:24 am

So ScarAB Vs Scar, which do you prefer??
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James Rhead
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:11 am

To be honest, the game is actually a pretty good shooter. IMHO far better than the few recycled FPS games we are having right now.

Can't disagree. But I mean we are all sick of Ghost Op's, Medal of Duty, Call of Honor, Black Recon and others. anything is better than more of that.

Except maybe if it has DX11 lol. If it has DX11 all bets are off bring on BF3, room for 1 more military shooter at least on PC.

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Penny Courture
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:25 pm

So ScarAB Vs Scar, which do you prefer??

For the single player I used the Scarab more. Packed a more powerful punch against the Ceph when it was needed.

Now to be honest, I found myself using the Sniper Weapon most of the game. It came in handy clearing out a lot of spots from a distance that were swarming with enemies. Since this game doesn't have a manual save feature, I had to be ultra stealthy a lot of times to clear out as many enemies as possible, cause even after I would do that, they still would swarm out of the woodwork.

Definately kept me on my toes a lot of the time. When you are hiding in a hole, and you hear the Ceph close by looking for you, accompanied by a big juggernaut Ceph, the game would get tense as hell. This was on Post Human Warrior.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:25 am

I'm not going to rant.

But personally I thought the SP campaign was boring. It was fun at first but the Marine escort missions were just lame.

DX 11 I don't care about..it looks good for a DX 9 game ( I have a DX 11 machine ...my 5970s would still chew it up and spit it out)

Definitely not Crysis 1..more like a hybrid of FEAR 2, CoD 4 with a sprinkling of HL2 thrown in.

Not a bad game...but not a great game...and most decidedly not worth 60 ponies.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:50 am

Another thing I'd say... being unable to save the game anywhere you like.... Normally we tap F5 to quick save the game when we feel we need to, but couldn't in Crysis 2. But I felt that this added tension to the game because during some moments you actually 'felt fear' for your life. Because you didn't want to start the level again if you die and also sometimes it was just plain eerie and thrilling, especially if you were cloaked in a corner with a huge alien beastie making weird alien noises just around the corner. There was several moments when I found myself 'running away' lol.

Spoiler alert here but that moment when you clear the streets of a Ceph attack, and there was an attack that took out the power and the city was plunged into darkness, and you could hear 'them' coming. That was spooky lol.

My favourite weapon.. I liked to have a SCARAB with reflex sights and a good sniper rifle for distance bladdering before going in. The heavier machine guns were good too, I forget the names of them, MK60 Mod 0 is it? And the Gauss gun was pretty good too.
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Richard Dixon
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:19 pm

So ScarAB Vs Scar, which do you prefer??

Scarab due to the silencer and better hip fire acc up close

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Kelsey Hall
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:51 pm

Somehow this game keeps getting better the more you play it. Is it just me or does gameplay feel much fluid after patch 1.2.0. Im really enjoying this game and graphics are so much better than in Crysis 1 or Warhead. It's just sad that people can't see that. And honestly, textures arent really that lowres. Check these out...


This is how exploding barrel looks like in Crysis and Warhead
Kinda fugly. I tweaked Crysis this morning many hours trying to make it look better but it really didn't improve much. Then i launched Crysis 2 and it was like WOW. It looks so much better. All the reflections and lightning generally makes it so much alive.

AI feels also much better. All those poor Korean soldiers in Crysis just stand in open ground to get shot. In Crysis 2 they try to get in gover. Not always so succesfuly though. Anyways CELL soldiers feel better overall.

Moving around in this game is so much fun. All the sliding, climping and taking cover behind obstacles is made so nicely. It just feels great and natural. Grap a heavyMG, put armor on and let bullets fly to sweep everything in front of you.

Only complain from me is Physics. There is thinks that are better than in Crysis1, but sametime it misses a lot that was in before.
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Kara Payne
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:23 pm

Yeah ScarAb for me for reasons said above, also using a sniper was mentioned, I pretty much always did vs the ceph late game, stealth and head shots all the way lol.

Also the HMG is brill lol

Only complain from me is Physics. There is thinks that are better than in Crysis1, but sametime it misses a lot that was in before.

I'm a bit glad, the amount of time a piece of wood or a set of shelves killed me on crysis 1 lol, deadlier physics than halo :P
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jeremey wisor
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:55 pm

I like Crysis 2, and while I could like it a lot more then I do, it still has a lot to recommend it: even if watered down it still offers the SOTA engine, the art assets (BenB Powa!) are simply fantastic, there have been two quick to public anti-cheat fixes released which demonstrats commitment, and it has one original assymetrical MP game mode in Assault that is imho worth the price of admission...

I do think the price is a bit steep, there are a few too many issues like sound anomolies, too little control over settings, and I wish Crytek had run more with the original ideas like the Assault mode that differentiate Crysis more from other FPS/MP shooters; but considering all a studio has to contend with these days in bringing a game to market, I'm surprised and pleased it's as good as it is.

That said I do hope Crysis 3 (or what ever it's called) is more like Battlefield 3, takes us back to some of the origial FarCry IP and ideas, and I hope that Crytek kicks Epic's butt with it's new CE3 Develper Kit and we see a slew of original indie IP on CE3. I don't have anything against Epic but I'd really like to see such a capapble contender take it's rightful place: at the top...

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Rachie Stout
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:26 pm

I haven't played online yet, but am seriously enjoying the campaign.

Speaking of things that impress me in C2, I'm shocked everyone is hating on the AI. I've seen a few nav issues, but I'm generally blown away by it. The Cell's use of group tactics and coordination is remarkable. It's better than anything else I've seen lately... maybe ever.
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Silvia Gil
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:55 am

Yea, the AI in my campaign is pretty good as well. Post-Human only allows me to get hit a few times before i die and they always know where i am

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james tait
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:19 am

True that :) are you still in game development?

my only problem with no dx11 is the lack of crazy physics that could be utilized in game play but honestly not having it is not a big deal at all. All these haters are just mad that crysis 2 doesn't blow there computers up which is a weird thing to want.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:39 am

I almost finished the campaign and like the game as it is, graphics and gameplay are fine and in my opinion better than crysis/warhead, even with the low resolution textures. The story....well it could have been much better but it's alright. I liked the Aliens in Crysis 1 more lol. I will definitely replay the campaign a few times in the higher difficulty mode. Multiplayer was not really my thing i only played it once for 20 minutes, probably because i'm very bad in it and the pro players shoot me all the time :P
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Jordan Fletcher
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:52 pm

Yeah I have been finding the AI enjoyable, part from a couple of instances of just walking into a wall lol.

True that :) are you still in game development?

No not any more, and I "officially" never was, but that is another story, right now I am studying to become a Games Designer, programming is so boring after a while lol.

So for the people who had a chance to play multi player and enjoy it, what is your winning set-up?

Personally for me, depends on map and how I am feeling. For the most part it is:

ScarAB with sliencer, red dot fight and extened clip.

semi auto pistol and frag grenade(haven't unlocked missle laucher yet)

Armour module = Engery Transfer (Once level 3, very OP)

Stealth Module = Just the normal enhanced stealth

Power Module = Dog Tag retriever( best module to have by a long shot, pretty much all my custom classes have this part from my shoutgun one, A must have for snipers)

Also, I am level 29, and I have gotten about 100 kills from grenades just from the old fashioned "Grenade of death" lol, or whatever people call it these days. Basically I'm on about as soon as you spawm just lobbing a random grenade :).
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kirsty williams
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 6:58 pm

random post to keep the thread alife, so many threads in this forums, it's crazy
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Jani Eayon
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:34 am

Agreed with OP. The gameplay may be more linear than Crysis 1 but it definitely is more fun to play and the graphics are fine to me. The multiplayer is the best part tho! I'm lucky I haven't had a single problem with multiplayer except 1 time where I had a cheater. But I guess the odds are good :D
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:21 pm

Best MP since MW2.
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laila hassan
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:17 am

I love it but i'm still waiting for a damn patch. Can't play it when all my stuff is reset after every single match. BTW the console versions got fixed up alrdy, this is what pisses me off.
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Avril Churchill
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:19 am

People complained that Crysis 2 isn't exactly the same as Crysis 2.

If C2 was openworld, people would complain that Crytek made the same game 3 times in a row.

They can't win.

Please don't cater to the idiots, some people love the new direction and understand why certain changes were made without defaulting to 'DURRR CONSOLELES POOORT'.
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