I don't even know why hackers do this......
is it for some form of pride, or just show boating?
I mean, they hack the game, and then win every match, and that's fun because??
It's like playing noughts and crosses against a 4 year old if you have mastered it, you know you going to win, so where is the fun?
If you ever find out and reach enlightenment of why these ppl cheat (i dont call them hackers coz they just use other real hackers programs), you would probably be cheating or in heaven

I was an admin in my country's local cod4 server and IMHO ppl cheat most probably because they get owned by better players and they think these better players are cheating. So they "balance" the playing field by cheating. I realise most "silent" cheaters (non obvious type) usually still svck even with cheats. Those obvious cheaters are probably raging or trolling.
most likely yes lol
Ok so Im 40 and still play PC games, I dont rant like a 2nd grader and this is a good game. If any of you have played Far Cry when it came out it was cutting edge graphically with great game play, it was a Crytek build.
Next came Crysis and again a cutting edge graphically with great game play so in this progression I was wrong to assume this would be another cutting edge game but it wasn't unless you own a PS or Xbox.
I bought 3 Warhead games so me and my kids could play the Muliplayer which was very good till BCBF2 came out, the multiplayer in this game is not for me and of course I only bought 1 copy and let my son play that too.
Me well after exspecting so much I'm disappointed with the game but totally understand that Crytek has to make money. They used to be the Porche of gaming and now they are more like a chevy...Cheap but cute. For all the people who hate it or love it we'll see which is right by how many they sell, I will take a guess and say the company wont last without some layoffs.
svcks this wasn't the game you thought it would be, but then again, I knew this wouldn't be totally like far cry or crysis 1 due to the console port, although I understand why they did.
And does anyone else know the real reason for basing the game in New York?

I'm thinking about poly count here