A NON Raging thread, for those who like Crytek and Crysis 2.

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:20 am

It would seem that most people have hopped on the "We hate Crytek and Crysis 2" wagon, but I know there are still a few people, including myself, who actually understand how hard this is all is for Crytek, and actually like the game.

The reasons why I am happy atm is...

1) Ok sure, there a few bugs. but tbh, I only realised there were until I started a new campaign, which then I lost all my nano catalysis. And yes, I was kind of pissed off, but, Crytek have just released a patch to fix it, so I'm all good

2) I have come across cheaters ONLY twice online, and I'm level 29 so have played quite a bit, yes there annoying, but again Crytek are fixing this, so I'm happy, and plus, do you know how many PC games in the world have 0 cheaters online?? Not many lol.

3) I think Crysis 2 is an amazing game, great gameplay, great story and very good graphics. And yes raging forums members, I have played Crysis 1, on highest settings, I still think Crysis 2 looks better. And no, I don't care about DX 11. sure it would be nice, but the game looks fine how it is. And no, I'm not a fanboy, I'm just a PC gamer, who likes Crysis 2, and understands how hard this is for Crytek.

I mean I bet 90% or more of you people raging at Crytek have never been in game development. I have, and trust me, it's not easy, we had bugs in our game from start to finish, they are hard to get rid of, you fix one bug, and 20 more pop up. And yes I know what I'm about, I'm a programmer.

So although to some people it may look like I was raging at some of the forum members, I'm not, I'm just stating My opinion, can't stress the MY enough.

So yes, I started this thread so people like me could get together and discuss the pros of the game and why they enjoy it.


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James Wilson
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:36 pm

Truly said. I approximately know how this is. I'm not raged at somebody. I've got what I've got. And I'm enjoying what I've got. I'm also happy when they fix something. And I have much of patience, cause I have healthy nerves, I can wait for them to fix all =)
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:39 am

Good post. All the haters have about 4000 threads to post in anyways

I love how everyone thinks everything shouldve been fixed in 1-2 weeks.

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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:07 am

Thanks for the post, all agreed. It ain't Crysis 1, but I love it.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:38 am

All games have launch hiccups in some form. EA games tend to be pushed out before they are ready- wonder what happened here? :P

I love the game, just wish I didn't have homework and could play. :(
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Jordan Moreno
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:12 am

I know lol, also considering they have it on 3 platforms to patch up, plus, I have an itchy feeling that EA pushed for this release, so not all Cryteks fault.

hmmm maybe we could get some gamplay discussion in this thread :P

What do people think about air stomp?

I think it's pretty cool, just never use it. I either forget I can use it, or it's just not the right situation.

Also just been playing campaign. man, Pistol + slicencer + stealth, you can just own the maps if you know what you're doing lol.

Sometime when playing Crysis 2, I feel like a predator with human weapons :P
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:47 am

Prepare for the haters to come and accuse us of being Crytek employees.
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Rudi Carter
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:42 pm

They need to make a hotkey for PRIMARY and one for SECONDARY. I really dont like how its either NEXT/PREVIOUS. Took me awhile to realize why i was pulling out my Jaw, instead of my Majestic, when i ran out of ammo with my Scarab

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Dawn Farrell
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:15 pm

Prepare for the haters to come and accuse us of being Crytek employees.

Ah man, please don't tempt them, same goes for other people, please try not to encourage "haters" to this thread, really want this thread just to be a nice normal one lol, where we can discuss crysis 2.

They need to make a hotkey for PRIMARY and one for SECONDARY. I really dont like how its either NEXT/PREVIOUS. Took me awhile to realize why i was pulling out my Jaw, instead of my Majestic, when i ran out of ammo with my Scarab


Yeah can see where you're coming from. But I am so damn used to the mighty wheel lol
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:46 pm

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Juan Cerda
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:13 pm

Yea i never had the wheel problem since i never played Crysis Wars (even though i own it).

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louise tagg
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:35 pm

Yeah, I understand that it's hard for game programmers to get it spot on... and that supervisors/bosses push a bit harder than they should. When you've paid £30 for a game and it comes out in such an amazingly bad state you have a right to be annoyed. I love Crysis 2 multiplayer, but since the demo I haven't been able to play :/ and during the demo most of my clanmates couldn't play.

Please don't make threads for attention, trying to create some revolutionary idea that a game company who has **** up is still great. Patience is short for people who have the game working, when you have spent the cash and lost playability of the game.
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Arnold Wet
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 6:51 pm

Yeah, I understand that it's hard for game programmers to get it spot on... and that supervisors/bosses push a bit harder than they should. When you've paid £30 for a game and it comes out in such an amazingly bad state you have a right to be annoyed. I love Crysis 2 multiplayer, but since the demo I haven't been able to play :/ and during the demo most of my clanmates couldn't play.

Please don't make threads for attention, trying to create some revolutionary idea that a game company who has **** up is still great. Patience is short for people who have the game working, when you have spent the cash and lost playability of the game.

Please tell your fellow friends who are frustrated not to make 4000+ threads about the same BS. Thanks

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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:59 pm

The rage wagon....people usually hop it for either no reason or a stupid one.

I still love Crytek and Crysis 2 is amazing. My problems with Crysis 2 are some multiplayer connection issues, lack of advanced options, no DX11, and mediocre textures. Everything is EXCELLENT though and I still prefer this game over Crysis 1. AND I know Crytek is working to deliver DX11 and adavanced options and they are fixing bugs and multiplayer connection issues. Mediocre textures I think will be fixed through DX11 or a separate patch. If TRULY NECESSARY we always got the community making texture packs but I usally like to play games without mods.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:38 am

Yeup, this game definitely has its problems, but i still like it as a whole. Once things get fixed and new things get added in (hopefully DX11 and maybe even new maps) i bet ill like this game even more.

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Emma Louise Adams
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:28 pm

Yea i never had the wheel problem since i never played Crysis Wars (even though i own it).


Yeah I played it once lol, wasn't too sure on it so stopped lol.

Yeah, I understand that it's hard for game programmers to get it spot on... and that supervisors/bosses push a bit harder than they should. When you've paid £30 for a game and it comes out in such an amazingly bad state you have a right to be annoyed. I love Crysis 2 multiplayer, but since the demo I haven't been able to play :/ and during the demo most of my clanmates couldn't play.

Please don't make threads for attention, trying to create some revolutionary idea that a game company who has **** up is still great. Patience is short for people who have the game working, when you have spent the cash and lost playability of the game.

Yeah see, this is why I wanted this a thread for people who just want to chat about the game. Please can other people who want to make posts similar to this not. I already said in the first post, Yes, you have reasons to be annoyed, but thats for other threads, please not this one, thank you.
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:45 pm

Agree with OP 100% - I started a thread expressing my similar annoyances at everyone flaming but it got lost under all the new threads, and never seen. Here's what I said there on the matter;

After reading through many many posts on this forum I can only feel bad for the guys at CryTek. Crysis 2 is a good game, and despite the bugs I'm still enjoying it, I'm still playing it, and I'm still happy I spent my hard earned money on it.

I think its disgraceful that so many people on here are literally shouting abuse, and demanding instant fixes, if I was a dev over at Crytek I'd probably never want to develop a game for the PC again after having this experience with the 'fanbase'. I understand it's infuriating having bugs that prohibit certain elements of gameplay, or don't allow you to play certain aspects, but no one, and I mean NO ONE will want to help if all you do is come onto a forum like this, type in all capital letters with no punctuation and constant swearing (well, stars, seeing as can't swear) about how Crytek need to fix the game instantly - get over yourselves.

Try asking nicely, the beauty of the PC gaming community is that generally everyone wants’ to help each other, and half the time other forum members may have fixes or workarounds that you could benefit from, but people are a hell of a lot less likely to post anything if all you're doing is flaming.

The bug fixes will come in time, I can't believe how many people seem to accuse CryTek of doing nothing simply because they haven't released a patch yet. These guys are just people, they need to sleep, eat, and go home to their families at the end of the day, and when they are at work, I'm pretty damn certain they'll all working at getting the game fixed - and hell, even if they're not, you think that you shouting at them on their forum will help? There’s so many aspects to a game update, each bug has to be looked in to, the route of the problem found, then that needs to be corrected, then it needs to be checked and rechecked to make sure new bugs haven't cropped up, and they have to do this process for every single bug. And when you've got millions of lines of game code to search through, finding specific errors aren't going to be instant, fixing them aren't going to be instant, and checking them aren't going to be instant.

Just enjoy the game people, and if you're unlucky enough to get a big bug that seriously gets in the way of gameplay, then come onto the forums and do a search, see if anyone else has had the problem. If not, start a thread, make it coherent, use punctuation, and be nice, maybe then someone will actually want to help you.
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:51 pm

Good points, I found a bug and didn't even make a big deal, I just Pm'd CryAdam, so he could tell his team.

Bug I found was every time I selected lazer sights for feline in single player, the game crashed. Which is annoying cus i was thinking "hmmm do I really want to use this gun, meh why not" lol

But yes I fear this might attract unwanted attention.

So back to gameplay............

fav gun for people???????

Same as Crysis 1 for me, the dreaded Guass Rifle :)
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:22 am

I don't think anybody is raging against coders artists or whatever. Or if they are they are just looking for a reaction from Crytek because they feel like they aren't getting heard.

I think people mostly feel that high level decisions prevented this game from being all that it could be on PC, and allowed it out of the gate in an unfinished state.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:39 am

Good points, I found a bug and didn't even make a big deal, I just Pm'd CryAdam

Hmmm I just set up a thread about a possible bug. Probably shouldn't have done that now I think about it. But they have a special thread for it. I think they said not to PM them.
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Tom Flanagan
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:39 am

Good points, I found a bug and didn't even make a big deal, I just Pm'd CryAdam

Hmmm I just set up a thread about a possible bug. Probably shouldn't have done that now I think about it. But they have a special thread for it. I think they said not to PM them.

That's weird, I saw in a thread that I should PM him lol. Well at least with Pm-ing, they can civilly look at the bug that was listed.
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Sara Lee
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:21 pm

Good points, I found a bug and didn't even make a big deal, I just Pm'd CryAdam

Hmmm I just set up a thread about a possible bug. Probably shouldn't have done that now I think about it. But they have a special thread for it. I think they said not to PM them.

That's weird, I saw in a thread that I should PM him lol. Well at least with Pm-ing, they can civilly look at the bug that was listed.

Maybe what I saw was to not PM them unless it was about bugs. Sounds like neither of us is absolutely certain.
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jessica Villacis
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:25 pm

Ah! The grown-ups thread! :D
Yeaaah to me Crysis 2 single player was excellent, like a really good book that you can't put down. I found the further I progressed in the game the more hooked and drawn into it I was getting. I've played many a SP campaign over the years but a lot have been World War 2 related or modern militaristic, and I've enjoyed them to a degree but I completed those games over time, inbetween bouts of multiplayer gaming. But with Crysis 2 I just got so deeply into it. I guess it's because my favourite genre is Sci Fi and I haven't enjoyed such a good Sci Fi single player game since my days of enjoying the Unreal series of games. Infact I think I might replay it again soon, perhaps to get all of the hidden stuff like keys and dog tags scattered around everywhere. But the game for me does definitely have that 'play it again Sam' factor to it. :)
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Darian Ennels
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:08 pm

To be honest, the game is actually a pretty good shooter. IMHO far better than the few recycled FPS games we are having right now...we all know the titles so there isn't really a need to mention names.
The SP had an awesome story which though was confusing for those who played the prequel but pretty much explained everything by the end of it. Good way of connecting both games while still able to introduce a story for new players, both for consoles and PC alike.
The MP on the other hand IMHO is pretty refreshing compared to the typical shooters we are having. Well I played BFBC2 and love it but sometimes I would still like to play the arcade style run and gun, and lately these types of shooters are pretty much recycled. The nanosuit introduces plenty of new and weird ways for MP and I believe with the right patches/fixes it can even go competitive.
Frankly speaking, the game looks good with DX9. Maybe we don't have breakable trees etc. anymore but those were just side stuff compared to the actual gameplay.

Putting the good points aside, Crytek still have lots of work to do. What I'm unhappy about is that the multiplayer is filled with cheaters and the "connection lost" problems are really a fun killing issue. Not to mention stats rollback etc. I don't really care if I play with pirates or whatsoever as long as I know I'm supporting the company, but problem is most of these cheats are the pirates and the first step of reducing cheaters is cutting out pirates. IMHO Crytek should focus on connection issue and cheaters > pirates > SP minor bugs > DX11.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:51 am

Ah! The grown-ups thread! :D
Yeaaah to me Crysis 2 single player was excellent, like a really good book that you can't put down. I found the further I progressed in the game the more hooked and drawn into it I was getting. I've played many a SP campaign over the years but a lot have been World War 2 related or modern militaristic, and I've enjoyed them to a degree but I completed those games over time, inbetween bouts of multiplayer gaming. But with Crysis 2 I just got so deeply into it. I guess it's because my favourite genre is Sci Fi and I haven't enjoyed such a good Sci Fi single player game since my days of enjoying the Unreal series of games. Infact I think I might replay it again soon, perhaps to get all of the hidden stuff like keys and dog tags scattered around everywhere. But the game for me does definitely have that 'play it again Sam' factor to it. :)

Completely agree mate lol, i thinking all the way through one night "Ok just this level then bed.........ahh thats interesting...might as well carry on to find out" :P
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