So perks add a new level of customizable depth on top of the normal skills but what else could be done to develop characters other than buff this or that. I would like to see slight changes to the characters physical appearance and persona with the people of skyrim.
Things I think would work well or would like to see would be;
Opportunities to help out certain factions or populations and through hard choices they would like you more or less the consequences of this maybe have be to get some ritualized tattoo or scars for your troubles.
Supporting a settlement to develop, actually expanding and improving dependent on how we help or maybe even exploit.
Faction identity and significance, example, highest faction rating identifies you as such and progression in it sculpts your play style, say for instance you may take training in the fighters guild and study to perfect certain style of fighting, you can only choose one and it takes time and training but once complete allows a new competence in the aspect you studied , the same could be applied to other guilds and factions.
Speech change in the populous, as I gain fame without repeat annoyance, probably keep to subtle and have some kind of check in place so as not to have three people in a row or in the same area say the same thing.
Choice in house ascetics.
Developing a crest, shield or heraldry.
Keeping a journal that i could type in(ie this key opens, go hear find this, i love sweet cake ect) and organize my random ingame notes and pictures(maps, drawings ect) ect.
Non corny statue (small) or painting, event tapistry of an epic depiction of your heroism.
Hair growth for my epic skyrim beard, nothing major just say couple of variation or just variation you can pick that logically could grow into each other, and the facilities to keep it in check or not mwahahha(maybe a barber for a change in style or a bathroom in the more epic house for a shave(bathrooms?? Do they exist; do TES ppl even have bum holes??)).
Body mass change as you beef up. Not anything ridiculous, just a steady increase of a few % , modified by your original build so if you play slim and sleek you just gain more tone and definition, but if you play a hulk he would gain more size and definition. Nothing fable esq hated balancing out the changed they were a good idea but to extreme and characterourish.
Stance change as your fighting ability increased so you would have a meaner stance and more flourish, even voiced enthusiasm, as your skill increases. Same with magic maybe even more visual penuche as your fire off spells.
Which would help you visualize your character better and which would tip u over the edge, which could be done better or are just plain done well enough all ready??