Non-skinned item in tail slot

Post » Fri Jul 15, 2011 8:11 pm

I was working on a mod today and I wanted to put a non-skin rigged item (like how weapons, shields, helmets are rigged) into the tail slot....however when I tried it didnt display. After trying a heap of things all afternoon I couldnt find a way to display it....seems only items in the weapon, shield and for clothing the amulet slot, you can put this type of rigging in.

Is this right? I would really like to put it in the tail slot....or similar underused slot.
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Richard Dixon
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Post » Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:55 pm

I'm not familiar with the mechanics but it is definitely possible as I've used mods that do so. for instance and also some cloak mods.

edit. I vaguely remember reading something about this - I think you have to edit the mesh in NifSkope as well as make slot changes in the CS.
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Post » Sat Jul 16, 2011 3:32 am

Have you tried using a NiStringExtraData "Prn" block, that references one of the Bip01 tail bones??
It's what some helmets do, among other various equipped things.

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kevin ball
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Post » Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:20 pm

Have you tried using a NiStringExtraData "Prn" block, that references one of the Bip01 tail bones??
It's what some helmets do, among other various equipped things.


What do you mean? Add in a second Prn node? I want it ot be rigged to Bip01 Neck.

I just tried to have it rigged to the Bip01 Tail bone while in the tail slot but other then hiding the player's tail (I switched to a beast race) still nothing showed up. There might be some sort of naming convention for this....

EDIT: Every mod I look at that has hats with hair is skin rigged rather then by the Prn node. Trying it in a number of other slots, like upperbody, hand, lowerbody etc, none of the will display the item.

I'm not familiar with the mechanics but it is definitely possible as I've used mods that do so. Inventory is a Backpack for instance and also some cloak mods.

edit. I vaguely remember reading something about this - I think you have to edit the mesh in NifSkope as well as make slot changes in the CS.

Those are skin rigged meshes, not the same sort of rigging that Im talking about. I specifically need the mesh to be rigged like the shields/helmets/weapons are.
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