Hello everyone. I am hoping to do some ambitious things with the creation kit. I'm somewhat familiar with scripting.
I had a couple of quick questions regarding things where I have no idea where to start.
1. Alchemy: I was hoping at some event (either portal to new worldspace or game start) I could scramble all the ingredient effects. Furthermore, I'd like the game to at that time generate a pool of recipes that will then be randomly sold in shops.
2. Shelves, Tables: I'm sick of knocking things off shelves I own and not being able to have them look good again. I was wondering if I could make a shelf an activateable object, and then have "recipes" for setting things on the shelf/table in certain configurations (if they are empty). For example, having 3 plates, a jug, and a troll skull will allow the player to set a stack of plates and the other objects on the shelf.
Thanks for taking the time to read, and thanks for any help.