Noobified: Never Die

Post » Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:36 pm

My good friend Noobified has been the center of controversy for a long time now. Most of this is due to accusations of him hacking/modding. The fact is (quoting Widda) "he is smart and moves like none of us". He stages at speeds of 100mph blah blah blah. Why can't a guy just be very skillful at playing this game? Wel the answer is simple: jealousy. True enough we all use the aim entrance perk BUT everyone uses it different. DoKter makes a circular type strafe, Stanch uses a long zig zag-like pattern, and so on and so forth. Still why is this guy able to do what we can't? Is it his connection, the remote, or is he in fact a hacker or whatever? The mystery remains unsolved and probably will never come to a final solution. THESE very accusations are where the jealousy stems from and has driven once reasonable and likeable people like Mike completely nuts. So what attempt to get the guy's account banned. Face it people until you can come up with solid evidence to back up your case, you'll just have to accept the fact that Noobified is just THAT GOOD. He won't stop playing because you filed a complaint, won't quit using AE 3 because you can't win in a 1v1 confrontation, HE WILL NEVER DIE. If you can't handle it, take my advice and run!
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Amy Siebenhaar
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